Arab supremacy

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Arab supremacy is an ideology that promotes the "racial", cultural and ethnic superiority of Arab people over non-Arab Middle Easterners such as the Black African, Kurdish, Turkish, and Persian people.[1] Arab Supremacy is a reactionary but toxic ideology that arose as a response to the colonization of the Middle East by European powers. The concept of Arab supremacy has been getting studied as more Middle Eastern feminists and other marginalized peoples in the Middle East are being emboldened to speak out on it now.[2]

Like white supremacy, which promotes the assimilation, murder, and oppression of "non-whites", Arab supremacy simply ignores minorities and kills them if they resist being "Arabized."


Arab supremacy has a relatively short history. While ethnic prejudices between Arab people and the other ethnic groups were common in the past, the idea of Arab supremacy didn't arise until after the destruction of the Ottoman Empire.[3]


Arab supremacy has its roots in various ideologies such as Pan-Arabism. Pan-Arabism is an ideology that promotes the creation of an Arab state that has a unified language, culture and ethnicity. Like all ideologies that preach ethnic unity in a multi-ethnic area, Pan-Arabism was used as justification for racism against non-Arab people in the Middle East such as the Kurdish, Yazidi, Persian, Amazigh, Jewish, Turkish and Black African people.[4]

Other than the failed and brief union (1958-1961) of Egypt and Syria (United Arab Republic),Wikipedia Pan-Arabism has not become the basis of an entire nation for a variety of reasons. For one, despite the fact that these Arab nations were all Arab, many of them still pursued their own national goals at the expense of other Arab nations, which only inflamed tensions between them. The Arab losses against Israel in the Six-Day WarWikipedia and the subsequent Yom Kippur WarWikipedia also hurt Pan-Arabism, not helped by the death of the President of Egypt at the time, Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1970.

Ba'athism arose as another Arab supremacist ideology, as it preaches a non-Marxist form of socialism known as Arab Socialism.[5] Much like communism, Ba'athism had a bad tendency of becoming a military dictatorship when it came to power rather than a socialist state. Ba'athism wasn't really popular and the only two Ba'athist nations in the world (Iraq and Syria) openly despised one another. Ba'athism died during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, although Pan-Arabism is still supported by the current governments of Iraq and Syria.

Despite numerous attempts to create a pan-Arab nation, all have failed, mostly due to political infighting, the rise of Islamism, and the rise of nationalism within Arab nations.[6] Despite this, Arab supremacy remains a powerful force in the Middle East.


Much of the oppression of minorities in Middle Eastern nations is increasingly being called racism by outside scholars as it supersedes the authoritarianism that already oppresses all the citizens of these nations.

  • Darfur: Arab Sudanese are killing the Black Sudanese people for a mixture of racial and religious reasons. The "race" section of this conflict is a great example of how the racial aspects of Arab supremacy are fluid. Despite much intermarrying between Arab and African people, Sudanese politicians still promote a separation of Arab and African people.[7] This is known as the Darfur genocide, which is labeled as such by the UN.[8]
  • Black Egyptian people report being victims of open racism by Arab people.[10]
  • DAESH: Sunni Arab people killing Kurdish, Yazidi, and Assyrian people. DAESH has attacked many Kurdish areas in Syria and Iraq with the purpose of ethnically cleansing the Kurdish people and "replacing" them with the Arab people. They encouraged Arab people living under their rule to go to Kurdish areas, loot towns, and take household appliances, money, and other goods. DAESH also enslaved thousands of Yazidi women and children, killing the men. This is more accurately known as the Yazidi genocide. Finally, it has kidnapped and killed hundreds of Assyrian people and other Christian people with the purpose of forcing them to leave. DAESH has taken a softer stance towards Turkish people, allowing them to join and fight with DAESH.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]
