RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/April 2015

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April 2015[edit]

50Open Letter to Simon Singh from Homeopath and astrologer (verbatim): "Bollocks to rationality, you shouldn't use it when it comes to discussing people's health."
13Right-wing radio host Steve Deace has some insightful comments transphobic bullshit to say about Bruce Jenner being transgender. He has a mental disorder and ruined my childhood because GAWD.
13A contributor to Joe "the plumber"'s blog accidentally rallies against a banner he'd normally support, claims it's anti-semitic when it's really anti-muslim.
42"You take it up the a*s; and you suck nuts. Lol." -- Sovereign citizen files a cringeworthy and expletive-filled masterpiece of legal rhetoric, "Notice To F*ck This Court And Everything That It Stands For."
19Jewish group slams mixed martial arts, linking sport to Abu Dhabi government and anti-Israel attacks.
28[1]. Indian magazine tries to claim baking soda and lemons cure Cancer
-25Race-baiters claim recent attacks on albinos in Tanzania is exactly the same as when American blacks attack American whites.
5Lasers fired through the EmDrive's resonance chamber show variances consistent with a warp field, including travelling faster than the speed of light. Real scientists are doing real science here. We report, you decide.
29Rep. Steve King is introducing legislation to ban the Supreme Court from even HEARING cases involving "the definition of marriage". Separation of Powers? What's that?
2Oberlin activists hang posters accusing specific students of perpetuating "rape culture" for sponsoring a talk by Christina Hoff Sommers.
14The Liberty Eagle praises the elimination of the estate tax, calling it double taxation. Forgets the beneficiaries never paid taxes on the money.
13Rep. Steve King is at it again, trying to generate more fear among Republicans about immigration.
-37Is this an interesting commentary on feminism? Erm, no, not really. It's more neoreactionary stuff on Tumblr. Woo yay.
6"A history of left and right in American politics". Yay neoreactionary Tumblr.
22PZ Myers is apparently an MRA. At least, according to the TERFs. (Note: What really happened.)
24Mama Schlafly: Cops kill Black guys because the state forces men to pay child support.
68Fart demons. You know, the kind that drive pigs to suicide.[2] That's why there are gay people.
24Now that the remaining Boston Bomber has been found guilty, Faux News wonders if Obama will trade him to ISIS.
19Chemtrail woomeister claims Stanford copied his magic trickwith their "new" aluminum-ion battery (which looks like it might be pretty damned important in the real world!). Note the woomeister's claim he didn't invent a battery...while at the same time claiming to have invented this battery!
8They apparently haven't given up on moving the tax burden entirely onto the poor, Why Now is the Time to Try the Fair Tax, complete with dishonest description.
16 Rick Santorum says tolerance is a two-way street.
43Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson calls critics of Indiana's religious freedom law jihadists.