RationalWiki:What is going on with the elections?/November 2015

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November 2015[edit]

5Ted Cruz says there is no ‘war on women’ because we don’t have a condom shortage
4Cruz missile launched: "Well it is also reported that he [sic] was registered as an independent and as a woman; if that's what he [sic] is umm..." So Teddy's either (a) citing material he doesn't believe (and then embellishing on it with the activist bit) or (b) using male pronouns for someone he believes to be female. Lovely.
3Argentina's conservative opposition has won the election.
4Trump Denies Mocking New York Times Reporter With Physical Disability
11Donald Trump officially has the best eyesight of any presidential candidate, hands down, as he managed to make out individual people from over four miles away on 9/11.Do You Believe That? (each person would occupy less than one-fiftieth of one degree in his field of view; under perfect lighting conditions, that would push edge of visibility as a person-colored speck, hardly distinguishable in the surrounding mess)
3Donald Trump sort of has a stopped clock moment, coming out in opposition to the Pfizer-Allergan merger.
7Ben Carson mistakenly echoes Trump's false claims about thousands of Americans celebrating 9-11 in New Jersey, but to his credit, he says it is not a reason to blame all American Muslims. He later retracts altogether.
7Trump tweets some straight-up fabricated crime statistics (an infographic literally created on Stormfront); says of protester "maybe he should have been roughed up"
7Trump would bring back waterboarding.
7Trump rally turns into Trump rally
3Louisiana's foremost politician for "family values" and prostitution loses the governor election to John Bel Edwards.
8Well, it isn't a literal yellow star... just a metaphoric white crescent.
7"Innovation, entrepreneurship and business success should be rewarded. But greed for the sake of greed is not something that public policy should support." Bernie Sanders delivered a long-awaited long-awaited speech on his vision of democratic socialism, with a side trip through foreign policy.
6Despite Donald's lazy shots at Bernie for linking climate change and the rise in terror attacks, the DoD already did so.
2ROC presidential candidate Eric Chu talks about how to keep the KMT floating in the face of miserably low poll numbers. May the odds be ever in his favor?
2Lindsey Graham seeks Congressional authorization for use of military force against ISIS.