Talk:Insects and the global flood

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This Global flood related article has not received a brainstar for quality. Please consider expanding the article appropriately. See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.


Are insects kosher? --Gulik 01:36, 15 August 2007 (CDT)

No, except for certain types of locust. --AKjeldsenGodspeed! 09:05, 15 August 2007 (CDT)
There's also a debate as to whether Copepods are kosher. ThunderkatzHo! 09:36, 15 August 2007 (CDT)


I get what the article is saying: that the insects couldn't survive a year on floating mats of vegetation. I agree with that. It's just, the statement that this is also against the Bible seems to be a (most likely inadvertent) quote mine. The article quotes Genesis 7:21, which includes the "creeping things". However, the very next verse says "all in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died". Insects don't have nostrils: they don't breathe (see footnote 1). In fact, the only invertebrates that I know of that do breathe with lungs of some sort are the pulmonates (some snails), the book lungs of some arachnids, and the coconut crab's branchiostegal lung (and this is only by checking Wikipedia. Of course, the Deluge is just a myth, the insects couldn't have survived a year at sea, et cetera, but my point is that there is no biblical basis for placing insects on the Ark. Is there something I'm overlooking, or should we remove that section? Just posing this to all of you instead of barging in and getting more negative attention 0;) Footnote 1: I'm using definition 2 of "proboscis", the only one relevant here: "(in many insects) an elongated sucking mouthpart that is typically tubular and flexible". Nothing used for respiration there. The Heidelberg Kid (talk) 02:08, 14 May 2012 (UTC)

Genesis 7:22 dosen't say that the non-breathing things didn't die, it merely reaffirms that the things that breath did. Also:
Genesis 6:20
Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.
Unless you're going to argue that "creeping things" somehow don't include insects, it seems fairly clear that they were supposed to be included. Peter with added ‼Science‼ 02:25, 14 May 2012 (UTC)

"Floating mats of vegetation"[edit]

Would AIG's idea of animals surviving without need of the Ark invalidate the whole point of the Deluge myth?-- Forerunner (talk) 10:45, 22 August 2014 (UTC)


Would include reference to the various 'great ocean garbage patches.'

Besides the woodworm, death watch beetles and other critters would have eaten the Ark (talk) 14:49, 12 August 2016 (UTC)