Talk:Liberal talk radio/vandalism

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The following is a record of wandalism on the page Liberal talk radio/vandalism
It in no way necessarily reflects the views of RationalWiki or any of its participants and is included only for archival purposes.

The following vandalism has been removed from the article and saved here.


22:30, 22 May 2007 GodlessLiberal inserted into the list of personalities

===Rush Limbaugh===

04:20, 4 November 2007 StupidIdiot Replaced the page with

Hello Rationel Wiki. This is the [[New World Order|World Goverment]]. After reading this artical we discoverd that Lieberal talk radio does exsist. We have deemed it a threat to our agenda so we have killed the leaders of Lieberal talk radio and destoyed there secret headquarters.([[Lie|in order to prevent terroism, of course]]!) Thank you for helping us <s>and our secret agenda</s> <i>prevent another terriost attack</i>.


00:48, 26 June 2007, brilliant parodist DanH edited section Air America Radio to add:

"It recently went bankrupt, possibly in part because nobody listens to it."
