Heard you were sick

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Dumpling
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Ding Ding Ding. 10+ Bonus point for you. You are quite correct my stabby-licious friend! (ಠ㉨ರೃ) It takes more than not breathing to kill me. Mwahahaha.

Dumpling (talk)04:33, 17 December 2011

"Dumpling is fucking invincible" should become a meme.

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.04:38, 17 December 2011

You mean there isn't one already? Haha. Nah, I'm kidding. That'd be nice and dandy~ but I highly doubt I'm invincible. I'm sure I have plenty of weaknesses. Like cute kittens and sad puppies...and homeless children. Wait, I shouldn't have said that. O___O

Dumpling (talk)04:43, 17 December 2011

HI Dumplin'! :-D So happy to see you back! I hope all is well now & you are feeling oh so much better - please say yes! You light up the wiki (isn't that a really old old song from long ago by Debbie Boone?)

Refugeetalk page02:33, 19 December 2011

HALLO REFUGEEEEEEEE~ OOBER TACKLEHUGS AND SNUGGLES TO THEE! I'm feeling much better, thank you! All I have now is the sniffles and the mini coughs. (...Who'se Debbie Boone? TO THE INTERNET!)

Also...your username is fun to say. Actually, anything that ends with a 'ee' sound is just more fun.

...I'm really hyper. <---(Medication)

Dumpling (talk)02:37, 19 December 2011