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This. Minneapolis' local anarchist collective is also lending our support to our Wisconsin neighbors against Gov. Wanker, erm I mean Gov. Walker. Basically, the guy got into office and immediately ran up a $100 million deficit so he could use that to union bust the state's unions.

Good luck!

ТyTalk.00:14, 19 February 2011

Yeah, news down hear said democratic legislature flees for their lives against righteous American blah blah blah.

ТyTalk.00:15, 19 February 2011

No, they fled so that the legislature couldn't have a quorum to vote, and thus the public unions there can't get teabagged by the teabagger-controlled legislature.

It is nice to hear reality every once in a while. Rather than propaganda

ТyTalk.03:14, 19 February 2011