Deleting CP stuff

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Tyrannis
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Wouldn't you say that's within the error?

steriletalk19:23, 31 March 2012

I personally would just delete the lot, but I actually hold respect for your opinion and will wait.

ТyNo19:25, 31 March 2012

Yes but this isn't Ty wiki so, you know, fuck off with your bullshit. It isn't about how much respect you hold for the person.

AceModerator20:06, 31 March 2012

For a bunch of rarely-read articles that are second only to the website that they're written about in terms of complete irrelevance to the world, people don't half take this seriously, personally, and with good solid twig up their collective arses.

Scarlet A.pngpathetic22:49, 31 March 2012

It isn't? I must have taken a wrong turn at McWiki, or was it HeidelbergKid Wiki?

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)22:52, 31 March 2012