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#!/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Math::Trig qw(deg2rad);
use Math::Round qw(nearest nearest_ceil nearest_floor);

use constant ABS_ARC_SPEC	=> "A%.2f %.2f %d %d %d %.2f %.2f\n";
use constant REL_ARC_SPEC	=> "a%.2f %.2f %d %d %d %.2f %.2f\n";
use constant ABS_MOVE_SPEC	=> "M%.2f %.2f\n";
use constant REL_MOVE_SPEC	=> "m%.2f %.2f\n";
use constant ABS_LINE_SPEC	=> "L%.2f %.2f\n";
use constant REL_LINE_SPEC	=> "l%.2f %.2f\n";

use constant PATH_ELEMENT_SPEC	=> "<path id=\"%s\" stroke=\"%s\" fill=\"%s\" stroke-width=\"%d\" d=\"\n";
use constant CLASS_SPEC	=> " class=\"%s\" ";
use constant CLOSE_TAG_SPEC	=> " />\n";

use constant TEXTPATH_ELEMENT_SPEC => "<textPath xlink:href=\"%s\" startOffset=\"%d%%\" alignment-baseline=\"%s\">\n";
use constant CLOSE_TEXTPATH_SPEC => "</textPath>\n";

use constant TEXT_ELEMENT_SPEC => "<text id=\"%s\" font-family=\"%s\" font-size=\"%d\" fill=\"%s\" text-anchor=\"%s\">\n";
use constant CLOSE_TEXT_ELEMENT => "</text>\n";

use constant GROUP_ELEMENT_SPEC => "<g id=\"%s\">\n";
use constant CLOSE_GROUP_ELEMENT => "</g>\n";

use constant XML_DOC_HEADER => "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
use constant XML_DOCTYPE_HEADER => "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\" >\n";
use constant SVG_ELEMENT_SPEC => "<svg  version=\"1.1\" id=\"%s\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" overflow=\"visible\" xml:space=\"preserve\">\n";
use constant CLOSE_SVG_ELEMENT => "</svg>\n";

# prototypes for recursive subs

sub finalise_tree_stats($);
sub create_tree_node_path($$$$$$$$$$$$$);

# Trig functions

sub polar_to_svg_coordinates($$$$)
	my ($x, $y, $radius, $angle) = @_;
	my $rads = deg2rad($angle);
	return ($x + nearest(.01, ($radius * cos($rads))), $y - nearest(.01, ($radius * sin($rads))));

sub calc_sector_path($$$$$$)
	my ($x, $y, $from, $dtheta, $outer, $inner) = @_;
	$dtheta = abs($dtheta) % 360;
	my $to = $from + $dtheta;
	my ($ox1, $oy1) = polar_to_svg_coordinates($x, $y, $outer, $from);
	my ($ox2, $oy2) = polar_to_svg_coordinates($x, $y, $outer, $to);
	my ($ix1, $iy1) = polar_to_svg_coordinates($x, $y, $inner, $to);
	my ($ix2, $iy2) = polar_to_svg_coordinates($x, $y, $inner, $from);
	my (%iarc, %oarc);
	if ($dtheta < 180 && $dtheta != 0)
		%oarc = create_arc_spec($ox2, $oy2, 0, 0, 0, $outer, $outer, 1);
		%iarc = create_arc_spec($ix2, $iy2, 0, 0, 1, $inner, $inner, 1);
		%oarc = create_arc_spec($ox2, $oy2, 0, 1, 0, $outer, $outer, 1);
		%iarc = create_arc_spec($ix2, $iy2, 0, 1, 1, $inner, $inner, 1);
	my %move = create_move_spec($ox1, $oy1, 1);
	my %l1 = create_line_spec($ix1, $iy1, 1);
	my %l2 = create_line_spec($ox1, $oy1, 1);
	my @components = (\%move, \%oarc, \%l1, \%iarc, \%l2);
	return (type => "path", components => \@components)

# SVG functions

sub print_indent($)
	my ($depth) = @_;
	if ($depth > 0)
		printf("\t") while($depth--);

sub create_arc_spec($$$$$$$$)
	my ($dx, $dy, $rot, $l, $s, $rx, $ry, $abs) = @_;
	my %arc_spec = ( type => "arc",  dx => $dx, dy => $dy, rx => $rx, ry => $ry, rotation => $rot,
		large => $l, sweep => $s, absolute => $abs);
	return %arc_spec;
sub print_arc_spec(%)
	my (%arc_spec) = @_;
	if ($arc_spec{absolute})
		printf(ABS_ARC_SPEC, $arc_spec{rx},$arc_spec{ry}, $arc_spec{rotation},
			$arc_spec{large}, $arc_spec{sweep}, $arc_spec{dx}, $arc_spec{dy});
		printf(REL_ARC_SPEC, $arc_spec{rx},$arc_spec{ry}, $arc_spec{rotation},
			$arc_spec{large}, $arc_spec{sweep}, $arc_spec{dx}, $arc_spec{dy});
sub create_move_spec($$$)
	my ($x, $y, $abs) = @_;
	my %move_spec = ( type => "move", x => $x, y => $y, absolute => $abs );
	return %move_spec;
sub print_move_spec(%)
	my (%move_spec) = @_;
	if ($move_spec{absolute})
		printf(ABS_MOVE_SPEC, $move_spec{x}, $move_spec{y});
		printf(REL_MOVE_SPEC, $move_spec{x}, $move_spec{y});

sub create_line_spec($$$)
	my ($x, $y, $abs) = @_;
	my %line_spec = ( type => "line", x => $x, y => $y, absolute => $abs );
	return %line_spec;
sub print_line_spec(%)
	my (%line_spec) = @_;
	if ($line_spec{absolute})
		printf(ABS_LINE_SPEC, $line_spec{x}, $line_spec{y});
		printf(REL_LINE_SPEC, $line_spec{x}, $line_spec{y});

sub print_path_spec($%)
	my ($depth, %path_spec) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($path_spec{type} eq "path")
		$ret = 0;
		my @components = @{$path_spec{components}};
		foreach (@components)
			my %path_element = %{$_};
			if ($path_element{type} eq "arc")
			elsif ($path_element{type} eq "move")
			elsif ($path_element{type} eq "line")
				$ret = -1;
	return $ret;

sub create_path_element($)
	my ($id) = @_;
	my %path_spec = ( type => "path", id => $id, class => "", stroke => "none",
		fill => "none", strokewidth => 0);
	return %path_spec;

sub set_path_id($$)
	my ($path_ref, $id) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($path_ref->{type} eq "path")
		$path_ref->{id} = $id;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;
sub set_path_class($$)
	my ($path_ref, $class) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($path_ref->{type} eq "path")
		$path_ref->{class} = $class;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub set_path_stroke($$) {
	my ($path_ref, $stroke) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($path_ref->{type} eq "path")
		$path_ref->{stroke} = $stroke;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub set_path_fill($$) 
	my ($path_ref, $fill) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($path_ref->{type} eq "path")
		$path_ref->{fill} = $fill;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub set_path_stroke_width($$) 
	my ($path_ref, $stroke_width) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($path_ref->{type} eq "path")
		$path_ref->{strokewidth} = $stroke_width;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;
sub set_path_spec($$)
	my ($path_ref, $spec_ref) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($path_ref->{type} eq "path" &&
		$spec_ref->{type} eq "path")
		$path_ref->{spec} = $spec_ref;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub print_path_element($$)
	my ($path_ref, $depth) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($path_ref->{type} eq "path")
		if (exists $path_ref->{spec})
			printf(PATH_ELEMENT_SPEC, $path_ref->{id}, $path_ref->{stroke}, $path_ref->{fill},
			my %spec = %{$path_ref->{spec}};
			if (0 == print_path_spec($depth+1, %spec))
				printf(CLASS_SPEC, $path_ref->{class})
					unless ("" eq $path_ref->{class});
				$ret = 0;
				# TODO, print error
	return $ret;

sub create_textpath_element($)
	my ($href) = @_;
	my %textpath_spec = (type => "textpath", xlink => $href, offset => 0, 
		baseline => "auto", text => "");
	return %textpath_spec;
sub set_textpath_xlink($$)
	my ($textpath_ref, $href) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($textpath_ref->{type} eq "textpath")
		$textpath_ref->{xlink} = $href;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub set_textpath_offset($$)
	my ($textpath_ref, $offset) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($textpath_ref->{type} eq "textpath" && $offset >= 0
		&& $offset <= 100)
		$textpath_ref->{offset} = $offset;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub set_textpath_baseline($$)
	my ($textpath_ref, $baseline) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($textpath_ref->{type} eq "textpath" && 
		($baseline eq "auto" || $baseline eq "baseline" || $baseline eq "before-edge" ||
		 $baseline eq "text-before-edge" || $baseline eq "middle" ||
		 $baseline eq "central" || $baseline eq "after-edge" || $baseline eq "text-after-edge" ||
		 $baseline eq "ideographic" || $baseline eq "alphabetic" || $baseline eq "hanging" ||
		 $baseline eq "mathematical"))
		$textpath_ref->{baseline} = $baseline;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub set_textpath_text($$)
	my ($textpath_ref, $text) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($textpath_ref->{type} eq "textpath")
		$textpath_ref->{text} = $text;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub print_textpath_element($$)
	my ($textpath_ref, $depth) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;

	if ($textpath_ref->{type} eq "textpath")
		printf(TEXTPATH_ELEMENT_SPEC, $textpath_ref->{xlink}, $textpath_ref->{offset},
		print($textpath_ref->{text} . "\n");
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub create_text_element($)
	my ($id) = @_;
	my %text_spec = ( type => "text", id => $id, font => "Verdana", size => 12, fill => "black", 
		anchor => "start", textpath => undef, text => "" );
	return %text_spec;

sub set_text_id($$)
	my ($text_ref, $id) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($text_ref->{type} eq "text")
		$text_ref->{id} = $id;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub set_text_font($$)
	my ($text_ref, $font) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($text_ref->{type} eq "text")
		$text_ref->{font} = $font;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;
sub set_text_fill($$)
	my ($text_ref, $fill) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($text_ref->{type} eq "text")
		$text_ref->{fill} = $fill;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub set_text_anchor($$)
	my ($text_ref, $anchor) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($text_ref->{type} eq "text" &&
		($text_ref->{anchor} eq "start" || $text_ref->{anchor} eq "middle" ||
		 $text_ref->{anchor} eq "end"))
		$text_ref->{anchor} = $anchor;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub set_text_textpath($$)
	my ($text_ref, $textpath_ref) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($text_ref->{type} eq "text" && $textpath_ref->{type} eq "textpath")
		$text_ref->{textpath} = $textpath_ref;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub set_text_size($$)
	my ($text_ref, $size) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($text_ref->{type} eq "text")
		$text_ref->{size} = $size;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;
sub set_text_text($$)
	my ($text_ref, $text) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($text_ref->{type} eq "text")
		$text_ref->{text} = $text;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub print_text_element($$)
	my ($text_ref, $depth) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($text_ref->{type} eq "text")
		printf(TEXT_ELEMENT_SPEC, $text_ref->{id}, $text_ref->{font}, $text_ref->{size},
			$text_ref->{fill}, $text_ref->{anchor});
		if (defined $text_ref->{textpath})
			print_textpath_element($text_ref->{textpath}, $depth+1);
			print($text_ref->{text} . "\n");
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub create_group_element($)
	my ($id) = @_;
	my @children = (); 
	my %group = ( type => "group", id => $id, children => \@children);
	return %group;

sub set_group_id($$)
	my ($group_ref, $id) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($group_ref->{type} eq "group")
		$group_ref->{id} = $id;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub append_group_child($$)
	my ($group_ref, $child_ref) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($group_ref->{type} eq "group")
		push(@{$group_ref->{children}}, $child_ref);
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub remove_group_child($$)
	my ($group_ref, $index) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($group_ref->{type} eq "group" &&
		$index >= 0 && $index < scalar @{$group_ref->{children}})
		splice(@{$group_ref->{children}}, $index, 1);
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;
sub print_group_element($$)
	my ($group_ref, $depth) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($group_ref->{type} eq "group")
		printf(GROUP_ELEMENT_SPEC, $group_ref->{id});
		$ret = 0;
		foreach (@{$group_ref->{children}})
			$ret = print_element($_, $depth+1);
			if (0 != $ret)
		if (0 == $ret)
	return $ret;

sub create_svg_document($$$)
	my ($id, $x, $y) = @_;
	my @children = ();
	my %svg = ( type => "svg", id => $id, x => $x, y => $y, children => \@children );
	return %svg;

sub set_svg_document_id($$)
	my ($svg_ref, $id) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($svg_ref->{type} eq "svg")
		$svg_ref->{id} = $id;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub set_svg_document_x($$)
	my ($svg_ref, $x) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($svg_ref->{type} eq "svg")
		$svg_ref->{x} = $x;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub set_svg_document_y($$)
	my ($svg_ref, $y) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($svg_ref->{type} eq "svg")
		$svg_ref->{y} = $y;
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub append_svg_document_child($$)
	my ($svg_ref, $child_ref) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($svg_ref->{type} eq "svg")
		push(@{$svg_ref->{children}}, $child_ref);
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub remove_svg_document_child($$)
	my ($svg_ref, $index) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($svg_ref->{type} eq "svg" &&
		$index >= 0 && $index < scalar @{$svg_ref->{children}})
		splice(@{$svg_ref->{children}}, $index, 1);
		$ret = 0;
	return $ret;

sub print_svg_document($$)
	my ($svg_ref, $depth) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($svg_ref->{type} eq "svg")
		printf(SVG_ELEMENT_SPEC, $svg_ref->{id}, $svg_ref->{x}, $svg_ref->{y});
		$ret = 0;
		foreach (@{$svg_ref->{children}})
			$ret = print_element($_, $depth+1);
			if (0 != $ret)
		if (0 == $ret)
	return $ret;

sub print_element($$)
	my ($element_ref, $depth) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($element_ref->{type} eq "path")
		$ret = print_path_element($element_ref, $depth);
	elsif ($element_ref->{type} eq "text")
		$ret = print_text_element($element_ref, $depth);
	elsif ($element_ref->{type} eq "group")
		$ret = print_group_element($element_ref, $depth);
	return $ret;

# Tree parsing

sub trim($)
	my ($str) = @_;
	$str =~  s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
	return $str;

sub parse_input_tree($)
	my ($root_ref) = @_;
	my $root = undef;
	my $node = undef;
	my $line_num = 0;
	my $current_depth = 0;
	my $count = 0;
	my $ret = 0;
	while (<STDIN>)
		if($_ =~ m/^([\*]+)\s*(\/\*.*\*\/)?\s*(.*)$/)
			my $depth = length $1;
			# TODO: create a more personal ID for each node
			my $id = "node" . ++$count;
			my $style_ref = undef;
			if (defined $2)
				my %style;
				my $style_def = $2;
				$style_def =~ s/^\/\*\s*|\s*\*\/$//g;
				my @pairs = split(",", $style_def);
				foreach (@pairs)
					$_ =~ m/^\s*([^=]*)=?(.*)\s*$/;
					$style{trim($1)} = trim($2);
				$style_ref = \%style;
			if ($depth > $current_depth)
				if (++$current_depth != $depth)
					printf(STDERR "Error: tree nesting skips a level at line $line_num\n");
					$ret = -1;
				my %new_node = create_tree_node($node, $id, trim($3));
				tree_node_set_style(\%new_node, $style_ref);
				if (defined $node)
					push(@{$node->{leaves}}, \%new_node);
					$root = \%new_node;
				$node = \%new_node;
			elsif ($depth == $current_depth)
				$node = $node->{parent};
				if (not defined $node)
					printf(STDERR "Error: tree has more than one root at line $line_num\n");
					$ret = -1;
				my %new_node = create_tree_node($node, $id, trim($3));
				tree_node_set_style(\%new_node, $style_ref);
				push(@{$node->{leaves}}, \%new_node);
				$node = \%new_node;
				if ($depth == 1)
					printf(STDERR "Error: tree has more than one root at line $line_num\n");
					$ret = -1;
				$node = $node->{parent};
					$node = $node->{parent};
					} until (--$current_depth == $depth);
				my %new_node = create_tree_node($node, $id, trim($3));
				tree_node_set_style(\%new_node, $style_ref);
				push(@{$node->{leaves}}, \%new_node);
				$node = \%new_node;
	${$root_ref} = $root;
	return $ret;

sub create_tree_node($$)
	my ($parent, $id, $text) = @_;
	my @leaves = ();
	my %stats = (depth => 0, breadth => 0);
	my %node = (parent => $parent, id => $id, text => $text, stats => \%stats, style => undef, leaves => \@leaves);
	return %node;
sub tree_node_set_style($$)
	my ($tree_ref, $style_ref) = @_;
	$tree_ref->{style} = $style_ref;

sub finalise_tree_stats($)
	my ($tree_ref) = @_;
	my $max_depth = 0;
	my $breadth = 0;
	foreach (@{$tree_ref->{leaves}})
		if ($_->{stats}->{depth} > $max_depth)
			$max_depth = $_->{stats}->{depth};
		$breadth += $_->{stats}->{breadth};
	if (not $tree_ref->{text} eq "")
	$tree_ref->{stats}->{depth} = ++$max_depth;
	$tree_ref->{stats}->{breadth} = $breadth;

sub create_tree_node_path($$$$$$$$$$$$$)
	my ($tree_ref, $tree_group_ref, $text_group_ref, $bg_group_ref, $x, $y, $step,
		$theta, $style_ref, $radius, $angle_ref, $centre_ref, $bg_angle_ref) = @_;
	my $ret = 0;
	if ($$angle_ref < 0)
		$$angle_ref = 360 + $$angle_ref;
	my $to_angle = $$angle_ref;
	my $from_angle = $$angle_ref;
	$radius += $step;
	if (not $tree_ref->{text} eq "")
		my ($tx1, $ty1, $tx2, $ty2);
		my %textpath_element = create_textpath_element("#" . $tree_ref->{id} . "-guide");
		my %text_element = create_text_element($tree_ref->{id} . "-text");
		if ($$angle_ref > 90 && $$angle_ref <= 270)
			($tx2, $ty2) = polar_to_svg_coordinates($x, $y, $style_ref->{treeradius}, $$angle_ref);
			($tx1, $ty1) = polar_to_svg_coordinates($x, $y, $style_ref->{textradius}, $$angle_ref);
			$ret = set_text_anchor(\%text_element, "end")
				unless (0 != $ret);
			$ret = set_textpath_offset(\%textpath_element, 100)
				unless (0 != $ret);
			($tx1, $ty1) = polar_to_svg_coordinates($x, $y, $style_ref->{treeradius}, $$angle_ref);
			($tx2, $ty2) = polar_to_svg_coordinates($x, $y, $style_ref->{textradius}, $$angle_ref);
		my %text_move = create_move_spec($tx1, $ty1, 1);
		my %text_line = create_line_spec($tx2, $ty2, 1);
		my @text_components = (\%text_move, \%text_line);
		my %text_spec = (type => "path", components => \@text_components);
		my %text_guide = create_path_element($tree_ref->{id} . "-guide");
		$ret = set_path_spec(\%text_guide, \%text_spec)
			unless (0 != $ret);
		$ret = set_textpath_text(\%textpath_element, $tree_ref->{text})
			unless (0 != $ret);
		$ret = set_textpath_baseline(\%textpath_element, "middle")
			unless (0 != $ret);
		$ret = set_text_textpath(\%text_element, \%textpath_element)
			unless (0 != $ret);
		$ret = append_group_child($text_group_ref, \%text_guide)
			unless (0 != $ret);
		$ret = append_group_child($text_group_ref, \%text_element)
			unless (0 != $ret);
		$$angle_ref -= $theta;
		$ret = create_tree_node_path(shift @{$tree_ref->{leaves}}, $tree_group_ref, $text_group_ref, $bg_group_ref, $x, $y, $step,
				$theta, $style_ref, $radius, $angle_ref, $centre_ref, $bg_angle_ref)
			unless (0 != $ret);
		$to_angle = $$centre_ref;
		$from_angle = $$centre_ref;
	foreach (@{$tree_ref->{leaves}})
		$ret = create_tree_node_path($_, $tree_group_ref, $text_group_ref, $bg_group_ref, $x, $y, $step,
				$theta, $style_ref, $radius, $angle_ref, $centre_ref, $bg_angle_ref)
			unless (0 != $ret);
		$from_angle = $$centre_ref;
	my @tree_components;
	$$centre_ref = $to_angle;
	if ($from_angle != $to_angle)
		my $sweep = $to_angle - $from_angle;
		if ($from_angle < 0)
			$from_angle = 360 + $from_angle;
			$to_angle = $to_angle % 360;
		if ($sweep < 0)
			$sweep = 360 + $sweep;
		my ($sx1, $sy1) = polar_to_svg_coordinates($x, $y, $radius, $from_angle);
		my ($sx2, $sy2) = polar_to_svg_coordinates($x, $y, $radius, $to_angle);
		my %arc;
		my %move1 = create_move_spec($sx1, $sy1, 1);
		if ($sweep < 180 && $sweep != 0)
			%arc = create_arc_spec($sx2, $sy2, 0, 0, 0, $radius, $radius, 1);
			%arc = create_arc_spec($sx2, $sy2, 0, 1, 0, $radius, $radius, 1);
		push(@tree_components, \%move1);
		push(@tree_components, \%arc);
		$$centre_ref = $from_angle + ($sweep / 2);
	my ($start_x, $start_y) = polar_to_svg_coordinates($x, $y, $radius, $$centre_ref);
	$radius -= $step;
	my ($end_x, $end_y) = polar_to_svg_coordinates($x, $y, $radius, $$centre_ref);
	my %move2 = create_move_spec($start_x, $start_y, 1);
	my %riser = create_line_spec($end_x, $end_y, 1);
	push(@tree_components, \%move2);
	push(@tree_components, \%riser);
	my %tree_spec = (type => "path", components => \@tree_components);
	my %tree_path = create_path_element($tree_ref->{id});
	$ret = set_path_spec(\%tree_path, \%tree_spec)
		unless (0 != $ret);
	$ret = set_path_stroke(\%tree_path, "black")
		unless (0 != $ret);
	$ret = set_path_stroke_width(\%tree_path, 1)
		unless (0 != $ret);
	$ret = append_group_child($tree_group_ref, \%tree_path)
		unless (0 != $ret);
	print STDERR "changing angle! $$angle_ref\n";
	if (defined $tree_ref->{style})
		if (exists $tree_ref->{style}->{bgcolour})
			my $bg_from_angle = $$angle_ref + ($theta / 2);
			my $bg_to_angle = $$bg_angle_ref;
			my $bg_sweep = $bg_to_angle - $bg_from_angle;
			if ($bg_from_angle > 360)
				$bg_from_angle = $bg_from_angle % 360;
			if ($bg_sweep < 0)
				$bg_sweep = 360 + $bg_sweep;
			print STDERR "Angle is currently $$angle_ref, Creating an arc from $bg_from_angle to $bg_to_angle\n";
			my %bg_spec = calc_sector_path($x, $y, $bg_from_angle, $bg_sweep, $style_ref->{textradius},
			my %bg_path = create_path_element($tree_ref->{id} . "-bg");
			$ret = set_path_spec(\%bg_path, \%bg_spec)
				unless (0 != $ret);
			$ret = set_path_fill(\%bg_path, $tree_ref->{style}->{bgcolour})
				unless (0 != $ret);
			$ret = append_group_child($bg_group_ref, \%bg_path)
				unless (0 != $ret);
			$$bg_angle_ref = $bg_from_angle;
	return $ret;

sub create_tree_group($$$)
	my ($tree_ref, $svg_ref, $style_ref) = @_;
	my $ret = -1;
	if ($svg_ref->{type} eq "svg")
		my $x = $svg_ref->{x} / 2;
		my $y = $svg_ref->{y} / 2;
		my $step = int($style_ref->{treeradius} / ($tree_ref->{stats}->{depth} + 1));
		my $theta = 360 / ($tree_ref->{stats}->{breadth});
		my %bg_group = create_group_element("background");
		my %text_group = create_group_element("text");
		my %tree_group = create_group_element("tree");
		my $angle = 180;
		my $centre = 0;
		my $bg_angle = $angle + ($theta / 2);
		#$ret = create_tree_node_path($tree_ref, \%tree_group, \%text_group, \%bg_group, $x, $y,
		#	 $step, $theta, $style_ref, undef, 90, 0, 90);
		$ret = create_tree_node_path($tree_ref, \%tree_group, \%text_group, \%bg_group, $x, $y,
			 $step, $theta, $style_ref, 0, \$angle, \$centre, \$bg_angle);
		$ret = append_svg_document_child($svg_ref, \%bg_group)
			unless (0 != $ret);
		$ret = append_svg_document_child($svg_ref, \%text_group)
			unless (0 != $ret);
		$ret = append_svg_document_child($svg_ref, \%tree_group)
			unless (0 != $ret);
	return $ret;

#my %foo = calc_sector_path(250, 250, 0, 50, 70, 50);

#my %bar = calc_sector_path(250, 250, 0, 50, 50, 0);

my %spec = calc_sector_path(250, 250, 0, 50, 70, 50);

my %path = create_path_element("foo");
set_path_id(\%path, "baz");
set_path_spec(\%path, \%spec);
#print_path_element(\%path, 0);

my $tree = undef;
my $ret = parse_input_tree(\$tree);

my %style = (treeradius => 150, textradius => 250);

my %svg = create_svg_document("foo", 600, 600);
create_tree_group($tree, \%svg, \%style);

print_svg_document(\%svg, 0);