User:Larry Wumpus/Safe space

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A safe space is an area or forum that is specifically designed for a particular social group to be free of the marginalization, stereotypes, discrimination, and mansplaining common in general society. Far beyond just having basic human empathy and removing those that lack it (how controversial!), such areas enforce way stricter codes of conduct, protect the identity of their members, and will often limit membership only to the particular social group. Nearly all safe spaces respect those with post-traumatic stress disorder by forbidding or requiring a prominent trigger warning for descriptions of abuse, violence, and other topics that could create undue stress. Common social groups with safe spaces include:

  • Women.
  • Racial minorities.
  • Sexual minorities.
  • Religious minorities and atheists.
  • Abuse survivors that don't want to deal with rape apology, victim blaming, or possible retaliation from their abusers.
  • People with mental health issues, especially if it's associated with criminal behavior such as pedophilia and incest[1]. Society makes it difficult for people that recognize they have harmful impulses to get much-needed help due to being prejudged of crimes they haven't committed and ostracized, which sometimes leads to preventable cases of them committing said crimes.
  • Particularly weird subcultures (for example, the furry fandom).

Most spaces are about discussing civil rights affecting the group while many are simply places where one can partake in a particular subculture that is strongly biased against them (for example, women that play video games and don't feel like being barraged with hateful misogyny for some reason).

Stop oppressing the white heterosexual man![edit]

TODO: "segregation", "freedom of speech", declaring large swathes of culture a "male space" (e.g. saying "video games are for men!"), "women don't respect our safe spaces, so we shouldn't respect theirs", etc.


  1. One such place is Stop It Now.

External links[edit]

Categories: Feminism, Racism, Sexism, Discrimination