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$messages = array();

$messages['en'] = array(
  'intercomnotice'             => "<p style='font-weight: bold;'>$1</p>" .
                                   "<p>$2</p>" .
                                   "<p'>from $3, group $4 at $5</p>$6&nbsp;$7&nbsp;$8",
  'intercommessage'            => "<p style='font-weight: bold;'>$1</p>" .
                                  "<p>$2</p>" .
                                  "<p>from $3, group $4 at $5</p>",
  'intercom-next'              => 'Next',
  'intercom-prev'              => 'Previous',
  'intercom-markread'          => 'Mark as read',
  'intercom'                   => 'Intercom',
  'intercom-list'              => "*General site news",
  'intercom-urgentlist'        => "Site wide (urgent)",
  'intercomgroups-legend'      => 'Your group membership',
  'intercomgroups-save'        => 'Save',
  'intercom-anon'              => 'Sorry, this feature is only available to logged in users.',
  'intercom-sendmessage'       => 'Send',
  'intercom-preview'           => 'Preview',
  'intercom-expires'           => '30 minutes:30 minutes,1 hour:1 hour,2 hours:2 hours,6 hours:6 hours,12 hours:12 hours,1 day:1 day,2 days:2 days,1 week:1 week',
  'intercom-other'             => 'other',
  'intercom-wrongexpiry'       => 'Expiry is invalid',
  'intercom-messageheader'     => 'Message',
  'intercom-nomessage'         => 'Message not found',
  'intercom-newlink'           => 'Write new',
  'intercom-groupslink'        => 'Configure groups',
  'intercom-pager-row'         => "Message from $1 sent to $2 at $3 (expires: $4) : <strong>$5</strong> ...",
  'intercom-pager-readlink'    => 'read',
  'intercom-pager-cancellink'  => 'mark as read for anonymous users',
  'intercom-cancelconfirm'     => 'Are you sure you wish to hide this message from anonymous users?',
  'intercom-cancelbutton'      => 'Hide',
  'intercom-summary'           => 'Summary: ',
  'intercom-cancelsuccess'     => 'Message hidden',
  'intercom-return'            => 'Return',
  'right-intercom-sendurgent'  => 'Send messages to the default intercom group',
  'right-intercom-sendmessage' => 'Send intercom messages',