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Lookie! Lables!!!
This user is a Christian, but not a fundy loon, and remembers that Jesus preached tolerance and love, not homophobia and hate.
Universe expansion.png
This user believes that the Big Bang occurred, but that God caused it.
This user accepts evolution as a valid theory based on observed data.
This user went to a public school, and was never homeschooled.
50 States flag.png
This user thinks there is a lot more to the world than this.
Dem This user supported Barack Obama for President, and is glad he won.
Open book 01.png "It's like I've always said: 'You can get more with a kind word and a two-by-four than you can with just a kind word.'"

- Marcus Cole, Babylon 5

21.8 This user's body mass index
is 21.8

Gay Pride Flag.svg
This user is a proud supporter of the Homosexual Agenda

Allo there... I'm Wren and I'm a libertarian (but not Libertarian PARTY) Roman Catholic from New York.

Apparently New York is such a liberal state, that even many of the theists from round these parts are pretty laid back. Some of them make me want to pop them in the mouth... but there are plenty like me round here too. My current signifigant other, of 2.5 years, describes himself as an Atheistic Secular Jew... which is fine by me. Whatever.

I've been reading the Conservapedia for lulz and voting on your WIGO for a while... but felt like registering so I join in the conversation, but will only post sometimes... I have two separate computers at my disposal, and I used the other one to register a Deep Cover Mildly Parodist Sock. I'll never post here from that puter. I don't wish to be check-usered into oblivion for being a member here too.

Now... somone tell me how to get one of those nifty shiney signatures!!!!
