User talk:Restoration of a Godly America

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New logo large.png Meh. You signing up for a RationalWiki account doesn't really move us one way or the other, Restoration of a Godly America.

This is probably because of your poor, obvious attempts at trolling or displays of unwelcome behavior. Maybe you should try to examine our articles and mission statement first, or take a walk outside.

We realize that it's possible that you may be here in good faith, so we'll do our best to tolerate it. But don't expect us to get too excited.

Our Newcomers' Guide may help clarify things for you.

|₹Λ¥$€₦₦ Red rose 02.svg EVERY SINGLE MISSILE HIT THE TARGET!!! AAAAAAAAAGHH! 22:50, 21 May 2014 (UTC)

Do you know what another word for "Hipster racism" is? "Racism." Father Vivian O'Blivion (talk) 22:52, 21 May 2014 (UTC)

Vandal bin.[edit]

You may be a horrible troll, you may still be a horrible troll, but one who thinks he's being "clever," "ironic" and "edgy" by using sexist, racist and homophobic language. I don't care either way. You may noe edit once every 30 minutes until you show you won't edit-war the removal of objectionable material. Father Vivian O'Blivion (talk) 22:54, 21 May 2014 (UTC)

It has nothing to do with being "clever", "ironic" and "edgy". It has everything to do with opposing the Communization of America and calling for a return to Christianity and family values. Drquig (talk) 22:57, 21 May 2014 (UTC)
Then I feel marginally better about deleting your pathetic shit and blocking your sorry ass. Father Vivian O'Blivion (talk) 22:59, 21 May 2014 (UTC)
Also, this guy used the word communist every other sentence. Just when I thought ListenerX hated pinko scum, it turns out I ain't seen nothin'. --|₹Λ¥$€₦₦ Red rose 02.svg They were trying to combine themselves to form some sort of molestation Voltron 23:00, 21 May 2014 (UTC)
At least ListenerX has a teeny, tiny modicum of understanding of what that word means. Father Vivian O'Blivion (talk) 23:02, 21 May 2014 (UTC)
I think ListenerX's hatred of pinko scum is slightly justified. But this guy is fucking ridiculous; he accuses the Republicans of being communists! --|₹Λ¥$€₦₦ Red rose 02.svg If you post on Reddit, a space whale'll crush your house 23:09, 21 May 2014 (UTC)

Two things.[edit]

One: I have been editing this wiki for a long time and care about it more than you do; 2: You will get bored of this game before I will. Father Vivian O'Blivion (talk) 23:04, 21 May 2014 (UTC)

My god. He does not give up, does he? --|₹Λ¥$€₦₦ Red rose 02.svg Never got enough hugs as a kid 23:10, 21 May 2014 (UTC)