I think normally I'm not supposed to bother you with stuff like this

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I think normally I'm not supposed to bother you with stuff like this

Have you received the email I sent you earlier? Have you looked at the Chicken Coop, and Talk:All thing in moderation? There's some shit going on again. It might take you a bit to sort through, I'm afraid.

The gist of it is, I've been blocked and had my user rights removed by Nutty Roux/Former Editor and Reckless Noise Symphony. Opinions and what not can be found on User talk:Tielec01 and User talk:Reckless Noise Symphony, as well as the coop and ATIM.

Also, Nutty Roux's gone and locked a bunch of things, to prevent me from editing through proxies. Seems pretty fucked up, from my point of view.

SillyBrx (talk)06:47, 6 October 2014