Your "basics about me" - and a kindred spirit.

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Your "basics about me" - and a kindred spirit.

@Tmtoulouse - I've just been reading your "basics about me" which I must confess, I find very interesting. I have a strong interest in neuroscience as well, as I think it is fundamental to gaining a deeper and fuller picture of all aspects of human activity. I also share your emphasis/interest in the overlap of human behaviour and evolution; behaviourism in its emphasis on, couching all terms, as much as possible, in observational criteria or links to observation, is perhaps its greatest strength. If I recall correctly, you have been influenced by the Logical Positivists/Empiricists, I too have been deeply influenced by the "spirit" of the movement, as well as key individuals e.g., Carnap and Neurath. Again, if I recall correctly, you had a deep scepticism of the Kuhnian paradigm: its significance, and the worry that it veers into social constructivism. However, I would not consider myself a Logical Empiricist anymore, I have settled for some time now on W.V. Quine's work, and in particular his project of Naturalized Epistemology. I would be very interested, if you have time, to hear your thoughts and opinions on Naturalized Epistemology. At any rate, I would be happy, and available, to discuss Logical Empiricism or Quinean Naturalism with you, and its significance for neuroscience, behaviourism, and evolutionary theory.—

Leucippus14:33, 19 December 2020