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EU flag-b.jpg
This user is proud to be European!
Political compass small logo.gif
This user's Political Compass coordinates are (-6.75,-5.28 ).
Moral compass logo.png
This user's Moral Politics results are -7,6.5.
Happyman.svg This user is a humanist

This user tries to remember the overarching message of Jesus: Tolerance and Love.
Warning This user does not care about your religious beliefs, so long as they are not forced on the rest of us.
Bibleopened.jpeg This user believes the Bible is just another book
Bible This user has never gotten much into the Bible.
This user thinks that evolution explains the origin of species.
Universe expansion.png
This user thinks that the Big Bang explains the origin of the Universe.
This user does not believe so called "faith" can contend with modern science.
This user believes in an old Earth — a 4.5 billion year old Earth.
This user went to a public school, and was never homeschooled.
Techy.jpg This user is a RationalWiki Techy!
LP Ratlogo.svg
This user edits RationalWikiWiki under the name of "Nx."
Mei is missed