Enrique Peña Nieto

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Enrique Peña Nieto (1966–) is the former president of Mexico (2012–2016) and is a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (an authoritarian party that controlled Mexico for seven decades). He previously served as the governor of the state of Mexico (EdoMex).

Peña Nieto is a neoliberal centrist, and was part of the wave of world leaders of western countries who seemed sensible but had shallow and useless policies and virtue signaled often instead of engaging in leftist populism. An example of leaders to compare him to would be Emmanuel Macron in France and Justin Trudeau in Canada, and these leaders share many similarities with Nieto (including their controversies in their own countries).[1]


Even before his presidency, Peña Nieto was an infamous figure in Mexican politics. As governor his tenure was marked by the lowest approval for a Mexican president, because of his handling of rising murder rates in the state, the San Salvador Atenco civil riot, and various public health issues that he presided over.

He continued with his incompetence, causing awful policies to run rampant, beginning with massive drops of Mexican oil prices that prevented any successful policy implementations, and he also was accused of making Mexican media biased in his favor during his tenure.[2] Another bizarre case was convicted drug lord El Chapo’sWikipedia escape from prison, blamed on Peña Nieto’s incompetence to keep the prisons secure, and was also claimed by Chapo himself that Peña Nieto was bribed by him with millions of dollars for his release.[3]

Why he’s so hated[edit]

Peña Nieto has gained an extremely (justified) unpopular status due to his political incompetence in government ranging from false promises to crack down on drug cartels which were never followed up (ironically mirroring Trump’s 2016 campaign promises to also stop drug cartels, which also did not come through). He’s also handled Mexico’s education system abysmally, as well as causing the economy to fail and dropping the value of the Mexican peso.[4]

He also plagiarized his thesis for his law degree that he submitted to Panamerican University directly from other writers, including another former Mexican president (Miguel de la Madrid) and none were credited nor mentioned them when he published the stolen works.[5][6]

The bare minimum[edit]

Although the amount of good he did barely outweighs his flaws, Peña Nieto has signed the multilateral Pact for Mexico, which prevented fighting in his party, and also led to more legislation in the government. [7]

Plus when you think about it, he united Mexicans from across the political spectrum just from his sheer shittiness.[citation NOT needed]

See also[edit]
