Talk:Creep shaming

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Creeps and flirting - Needs help[edit]

I think this section needs help. It says there's a difference then doesn't explain it. Zero (talk - contributions) 19:48, 5 July 2020 (UTC)

not defending MRAs or anything, but related to that, there are even scientific studies showing different evaluation and tolerance of harassing behavior (more well defined than "creepy," which I guess can include even not-even-ever-approaching someone) depending on the perceived attractiveness of people involved. Not necessarily with males being the only ones on the harassing/"creepy" side, although likely that's the most commonly studied scenario. So while arguably there can be objective differences, it's not without subjective variation, not to mention cultural. Then contrast that with what some people are taught, a seemingly actual real/non-parody PSA of some people "making out" where they actually asked permission before every kind of touch, rather than what what most people would describe as a [neuro]typical horny human consensual interaction and more informal/not-necessarily-even-verbal gauging of receptivity. I suspect comments on that video would often be labeling it as "creepy," assuming they're not filtered. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

The insult is used against innocent people who didn't do anything sexual[edit]


"The "anti-creep shaming campaign" is about discouraging people from protecting themselves from harm." is inaccurate. The rejection of the insult is about not allowing people to be turned into pariahs or thrown in prison based on the whims of someone with the mind of a gradeschool bully. While MRAs complain about it, it's hardly the first time that rightwing extremists have identified and exploited real issues. (talk) 13:20, 22 May 2024 (UTC)