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Bacon. The reason pork is forbidden in Judaism and Islam as that it will be THE reward that God will give to the faithful when they get to heaven/paradise/nirvana etc.

Bacon is the essence of Zoe, that life that only God has/can give.

Christians think that Earth is supposed to be a little like heaven anyways so they've allowed their adherents to partake.


And just in case you missed it Bacon bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon.

03:30, 19 April 2011 (UTC) C®ackeЯ

OH and I heard in like 1985....[edit]

Bacon grease called "liquid cancer". 03:33, 19 April 2011 (UTC) C®ackeЯ

Mmmmmm, bacon! ħumanUser talk:Human 08:53, 26 April 2011 (UTC)


Pretty sure the line ""botulism" is actually a Latinization of the German "Wurstvergiftung", which literally means "sausage poisoning"." is factually incorrect, since "botulos" is classical Latin for sausage. Just sayin'. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

  • As best I understand it, the German term came first. I don't know if there was an intermediate form that was reduced to "botulismus" or something similar first though. EVDebs (talk) 01:10, 11 December 2011 (UTC)


While I am eating my breakfast (bacon, eggs and a Guinness) I thought I should comment as this page is breakfast related. The page title is unwieldy and clumsy. Is there something else we can name this? Acei9 20:46, 27 October 2012 (UTC)

Unfortunately, I don't think so, but feel free to suggest something. It is a pretty specific issue, so... EVDebs (talk) 07:03, 28 October 2012 (UTC)
I, um, think Genghis Khant jumped the gun on the page move... EVDebs (talk) 03:57, 29 October 2012 (UTC)
No, somebody else did it, I just corrected the spelling from Nitrates to Nitrites. Redchuck.gif ГенгисmaraudingModerator 07:11, 29 October 2012 (UTC)