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This article is about the sexual term. For the former United States Senator, see Rick Santorum.

Santorum is the frothy mixture of lube and feces that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.

The coinage, introduced to modern usage by sex columnist Dan Savage, is named for former United States Senator Rick Santorum, a particularly fetid example of a turd-like homophobic politician who represented the darker depths of Pennsylvania.

Dan Savage has often said, "If done properly, neither form of Santorum should ever be anywhere near anal sex."

Rick's reaction[edit]

The Internet allows for this type of vulgarity to circulate. It’s unfortunate that we have someone who obviously has some issues. But he has an opportunity to speak.
—Dan Savage on Rick Santorum, oh wait, Rick Santorum on Dan Savage. Irony.[1]

Rick isn't particularly happy about the association. In the course of his complaints to Google over it, they've basically told him to quit his whining and sort it out himself. After all, Google just reflects what the people in Internet Land want. And a senator in the World's Greatest Democracy™ wouldn't be against what the people wanted, right?

Urban Dictionary imagines Rick's reaction

As his happy cries subsided, the sweet sticky santorum began dribbling from his distended asshole like melted mocha frappuccino. He told me that he loved me. It was only then that I realized the man I'd sodomized in a Pittsburgh bathouse was none other than Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA). I felt dirty.

Many people say that santorum is the secret ingredient that results in Donald Trump's hair coloring. Many people say that.

See also[edit]

Necker cube.svg Tired of laughing? RationalWiki has a slightly more serious article about Rick Santorum.

External links[edit]
