RationalWiki:What is going on with the elections?/2022

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This is an archive page, last updated 8 February 2023. Please do not make edits to this page.

December 2022[edit]

23United StatesArizona. A recount has confirmed that Democratic candidate Kris Mayes narrowly won the Arizona attorney general's race by just 280 votes.
33United StatesArizona. A Maricopa County Superior Court judge, appointed by Arizona's GOP governor, has thrown out Kari Lake's legal challenge to her 2022 election loss. Lake's team alleged that some ballot printers temporarily running low on ink proved widespread fraud and called to overturn the election.
35United StatesGeorgia (U.S. State). Warnock defeats Walker in the Georgia runoff, meaning the Democratic majority in the US Senate will grow to 51-49. This also makes it likelier that Georgia's 2020 election results weren't a fluke for Democrats.
31United StatesSeveral Fox News pundits seem to be wondering if the network's repeated attacks on early voting have backfired on the GOP.
12United Kingdom Genderfluid comedian Eddie Izzard has lost her attempt to stand as the Labour candidate of Sheffield Central in the upcoming general election. Her campaign was noted by the amount of transphobia aimed at her, and the fact the strong likelihood of being the first genderfluid MP.
26United StatesArizona. US District judge rejects bogus lawsuits from failed GOP candidates Kari Lake and Mark Finchem over the Arizona midterm results, orders them to pay resultant legal fees incurred by Maricopa County.

November 2022[edit]

21United StatesNorthern Mariana Islands Independent Arnold Palacios wins a runoff election for governor of the CNMI, defeating the ultra corrupt Republican incumbent Ralph Torres.
8Taiwan The Kuomintang win most of Taiwan's local elections. The leader of the Democratic Progressive Party (and the country's president) subsequently resigns as DPP party leader, but will remain in office until 2024.
15United States The 2024 Presidential race really heats up, with Kanye West announcing his candidacy.
46Brazil Outgoing Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, is now demanding that votes in the election should be invalidated after losing to Lula. Update: Court rejects Bolsonaro's attempt to overturn the Brazilian election, fines his party 4.3 million US dollars for asking in "bad faith".
24United States Alaska. Mary Peltola defeats Sarah Palin again and wins reelection for Alaska's at-large district. Meanwhile, Lisa Murkowski wins reelection for the Senate, defeating Donald Trump-backed challenger Kelly Tshibaka.
21United StatesPennsylvania. Control of the Pennsylvania House of Representative has flipped to Democrat.
-8United StatesAlaska. Butthurt Sarah Palin helps initiate petition calling for a ballot measure to abolish ranked-choice voting after she finished behind Democrat Mary Peltola in the House election.
-34United StatesColorado. After a week and a half of waiting for results, Lauren Boebert is declared the winner of CO-3.
36United States Nancy Pelosi to stand down as leader of House Democrats.
-23United States Get ready for two years of split control in the United States government! Republicans won the 218th seat after over a week of waiting for results.
-36United States It's official: "Saint RDonnie" announces 2024 presidential run.
43United StatesArizona. Katie Hobbs defeats Kari Lake, giving another election denier a humiliating loss. This also breaks a Republican trifecta in the state.
39United StatesNevada. Cortez Masto wins the Nevada senate race, meaning Democrats retain control of the Senate.
31United StatesWashington. A huge upset — Democrat Marie Glusemkamp Perez defeats Republican Joe Kent in the race for Washington's third district, which had been considered safe for Republicans. The original incumbent was Jaime Herrera Beutler, who had voted to impeach Donald Trump, but she was primaried by Kent, who has ties to white nationalist groups.
25United StatesNevada. Republican Joe Lombardo narrowly defeats incumbent Gov. Steve Sisolak. Lombardo notably rejected Trump's claims of voter fraud in 2020 and dropped his support for a 13-week abortion ban.
26United StatesArizona. Mark Kelly now projected to win the Arizona senate race for the Democrats. Also: Democrat Adrian Fontes wins election as secretary of state, defeating election denier Mark Finchem, who had ties to extremist groups and wanted to limit voting access.
28United StatesWashington. Democrat Steve Hobbs wins the election for Washington Secretary of State. While this may seem like an expected result, the last time a Democrat had been elected into that position was 1960.
24United StatesOregon. It has been decided. Oregon Democrats won the governorship.
38United StatesColorado. Colorado votes to legalize psilocybin, aka "magic mushrooms". It is the second state to do so after Oregon.
42BrazilBrazil's military has released a report stating there is no evidence of election fraud.
29United StatesMinnesota. In Minnesota, the state Senate flipped blue to give Democrats first trifecta since before 2014.
25United StatesKansas. Incumbent Kansas governor Laura Kelly wins reelection over her GOP opponent (who promised to sign an anti-trans bill that Kelly vetoed).
36United StatesColorado. Colorado voters have passed a ballot measure funding free school meals for all public students by raising taxes on people making more than $300,000 per year.
11United StatesGeorgia (U.S. State). The Senate race between Rev. Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker is headed for a runoff, so get ready for that fun again.
15United StatesMissouri. Arkansas. North Dakota. South Dakota. Missouri votes to legalize recreational cannabis, becoming the 21st state to do so. However, measures to legalize recreational cannabis have failed in Arkansas, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
29United StatesMichigan. Several important victories for Democrats in the Great Lakes State: Firstly, Proposal 3, which will provide a state constitutional right to abortion, has passed. Secondly, Governor Gretchen Whitmer won reelection. Thirdly, and perhaps most surprisingly, Democrats have managed to flip both chambers of the Michigan state legislature, putting them in full control of the state for the first time since 1984. Update:Democrat Jocelyn Benson has won reelection as secretary of state, defeating a Trump-backed election denier.
31United StatesIllinois. Illinois voters approve a amendment to the state constitution banning laws interfering with collective bargaining and unionizing.
28United StatesNebraska. Nebraska voters approved a ballot measure to raise the state minimum wage by $1.50 per year until it hits $15 in 2026 and then tie the minimum wage to inflation thereafter.
30United StatesAlabama. Louisiana. Oregon. Tennessee. Vermont. Voters in Alabama, Tennessee, and Vermont voted to amend their state constitutions to outlaw slavery as a criminal punishment. Louisiana voted to retain prison slavery. Update: Oregon has abolished prison slavery as well.
-17United StatesFlorida. Wingnut Florida governor Ron DeSantis wins landslide reelection with increased Latino support across the state and in Miami. Senator Rubio also won, and Florida will likely have no Democrat in any statewide office.
48United StatesPennsylvania. And the moment you all have been waiting for: John Fetterman defeats that quack Mehmet Oz.
-22United StatesOhio. J.D. Vance wins the U.S. Senate race in Ohio, defeating Democrat, Tim Ryan.
23United StatesOhio. Democrats win upset victories in Ohio's first and thirteenth districts. This means that despite the Ohio legislature's absurd gerrymander, Democrats still won more districts than they did in 2020.
30United StatesMaryland. Maryland votes to legalize recreational cannabis, making it the twentieth state to do so.
28United StatesPennsylvania. Josh Shapiro wins PA's governor election, keeping January 6 lunatic Doug Mastriano away from the governor's mansion.
38United StatesArizona. Federal judge imposes a restraining order on "Clean Elections USA", a conservative group operating in Arizona that believes that massive voter fraud swung the 2020 presidential election, from carrying weapons near voting areas, or videotaping and doxxing voters suspected of being "mules" carrying multiple ballots on social media, on the grounds that it is basically a textbook case of voter intimidation.
-31IsraelNetanyahu's Likud party and the far-right Religious Zionism party have won a clear majority of seats in the Knesset, putting Netanyahu on the cusp of regaining power. He campaigned on imposing tougher law enforcement on Palestinians and emphasizing Israel as a Jewish state. Also: Bad news for the Israeli left as Labor wins just four seats and the pro-LGBT Meretz party fails to win any seats at all. Update: PM Lapid concedes after Netanyahu's coalition confirmed to get 64/120 seats, says he'll ensure orderly transition of power.

October 2022[edit]

31United StatesOregon. A ballot measure in Oregon would require people who want to buy a gun to pay a fee, take a safety course, submit fingerprints, and pass a background check to obtain a permit. It would also ban high capacity (meaning more than 10 rounds) magazines.
47Brazil Brazil's runoff election between Luiz Inacio da Silva and incumbent Jair Bolsonaro has started. In current live results. Lula is barely leading over Bolsonaro. Update: Lula defeats Bolsonaro
32United StatesArkansas. Maryland. Missouri. North Dakota. South Dakota. Arkansas, Maryland, Missouri, North Dakota and South Dakota have ballot measures for voters to consider legalizing recreational marijuana.
29United StatesColorado. A ballot measure in Colorado would make school lunches free by raising taxes on state residents making over $300k annually. It needs a simple majority to pass.
27United StatesAlabama. Louisiana. Oregon. Tennessee. Vermont. Slavery as a criminal punishment is on the ballot for voters in 5 US states.
13United StatesFlorida. Dear Leader DeSantis has Floridian voters arrested two years after the fact because they believed under Amendment 4 that their voting rights were restored.
18United States Fox News is providing more prime time coverage of key US Senate races than CNN and MSNBC combined.
35Brazil Brazilians go to the polls for the first round of general elections between eleven candidates, including right-wing nationalist/populist incumbent Jair Bolsonaro, and leftist former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. If none of the candidates receive over 50% of the vote, there will be a runoff election on October 30th between the top two candidates (likely Bolsonaro and Lula). Update: It seems that there will be a runoff election. Lula is in a slight lead with ~48% of votes while Bolsonaro received ~43%, outperforming polls.

September 2022[edit]

-44Ukraine Russia Preliminary referendum results in Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine show the public overwhelmingly support joining Russia. The public, of course, faced no coercion whatsoever.
13United Kingdom A recent The Times/YouGov poll has put Labour at its highest lead over the Conservatives in 21 years with a seventeen percent lead, at 45% over 28%.
46Cuba Cubans to vote in a national referendum on whether to protect gay rights, including gay marriage. No polling has been done on the issue, however it can be roughly ascertained that the measure will succeed, in part due to state media strongly backing it. The Catholic Church is opposed, and some anti-government Cubans want to use disapproval votes to signal disapproval of the government in general. Update: It passed, 67% to 33%.
-15Italy Election in Italy expected to result in the country's most right-wing government since Mussolini. Update: The most votes (some 26%) went to Giorgia Meloni's "Brothers of Italy" party. Meloni began her political career in the 1990s as president of the student branch for a neo-fascist party (MSI), which succeeded Mussolini's banned National Fascist Party. And at least two living descendants of Benito Mussolini are politicians for Brothers of Italy today.
-11Sweden Sweden's right-wing parties (ranging from centre-right to far-right) appear set to gain a narrow lead in the country's parliament in the recent elections, with 98% of districts counted. UPDATE: Prime Minister of Sweden concedes the election, right-wing prepares for power.
61United States A new WSJ poll suggests that overturning Roe v. Wade made voters more likely to support abortion rights. Not only that, but voters ranked abortion as having made them more likely to vote in the 2022 midterm elections than inflation did — and voters ranked abortion as their #3 most important issue. Also, Catholic voters are now almost 60% in favor of abortion rights in all or most cases — despite the Catholic Church being anti-abortion.
-24Chile Chile votes overwhelmingly to reject new, progressive constitution.

August 2022[edit]

32United StatesAlaska. In a major upset, Democrat Mary Peltola defeats Sarah Palin in the special election for Alaska's at-large House district.
32United StatesFlorida. Laura Loomer has lost the primary for Florida’s 11th U.S. House district. Update: She is now refusing to concede defeat and has claimed voter fraud.
14United StatesFlorida. Pennsylvania. Ohio. Ron DeSantis, incumbent governor of Florida, randomly takes time off from campaigning against an active challenger in his home state to campaign for other Republicans in Ohio and Pennsylvania, in what is surely unrelated to any alleged presidential ambitions. He was there to support besieged candidates J. D. Vance and Doug Mastriano, perhaps in exchange for strategic endorsements at some theoretical point in the futureWikipedia.
9United StatesUtah. The Club for GrowthWikipedia commits $2.5 million to supporting incumbent Republican Senator Mike Lee amid fears that Never-Trumper and former CIA agent Evan McMullin could pose an unexpected threat. McMullin is running in the Senate race as an independent. He received 21.5% of the vote in the state of Utah during the 2016 presidential election.
30United States Mitch McConnell is worried about the GOP's chances of taking the Senate this year due to dogshit quality Senate candidates.
9United States The rats are finally jumping ship. Alex Jones no longer endorses Donald Trump. Jones is now supporting Ron DeSantis. Version you don't have to register for
6 New Zealand Various anti-vax, climate "skeptic" and other conspiracy nutters are trying to organize themselves to get elected in New Zealand's upcoming local council elections. One group has a stated aim "to make New Zealand ungovernable". They also advise their candidates not to admit they have any affiliation with the group, 'cos honesty is important or something.... And racist Philip Arps, jailed for spreading the Christchurch Mosque massacre video seeks election to the board of one of the country's most diverse schools
10 Brazil Campaigning has begun for the presidential election in Brazil, pitting the right-wing Jair Bolsonaro against the left-wing Luiz Inácio Lula da SilvaWikipedia. There are other candidates, but none meet their level. First voting round occurs on October 2, followed by a run-off on October 30. Polling is very favorable to Lula, currently.
15United StatesWyoming. Rep. Liz Cheney loses her Wyoming primary in landslide over her opposition to Trump despite previous loyalty to far-right politics. Update: Now she says she is considering running for President in 2024.
3United Kingdom Liz Truss has gained a considerable polling lead over her rival Rishi Sunak in the race to become the next leader of Britain's Conservative Party, a survey of Conservative voters taken from 3 to 8 August suggests. Sunak has also lost his polling advantage with the general public. Without a change in the winds soon, it looks like Truss may well be the new overlord of the UK, come September 5.

July 2022[edit]

25United States Andrew Yang and other Democrats and Republicans have formed a new centrist party called the Forward Party, which will probably have as much success as all the other third parties in US history.
14United Kingdom Former Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss are the final two candidates for Conservative Party leader and UK Prime Minister. Tory members will vote over summer, with the result expected in early September.
37Japan Ken Akamatsu, a manga artist, wins a seat in the House of Councillors election, on a campaign focused on freedom of speech, better working conditions and copyright protections for manga artists

June 2022[edit]

15United States SCOTUS plans on taking up a case in the upcoming court term that could basically hand total control and oversight of federal elections to state legislatures, and remove the authority of state constitutions and state courts to have oversight of how state legislatures operate those elections. The case, Moore v. Harper, won't have an impact on the 2022 midterms, as it will be decided after it occurs, but could impact 2024 election and beyond.
21United Kingdom Scotland Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon asks the UK government and UK Supreme Court for permission to hold a new independence referendum in 2023.
11United StatesAlabama. Mo Brooks, long time Freedom Caucus member, has lost his bid for Alabama’s U.S. Senate seat to Katie Britt, who was endorsed by Trump after distancing himself from Brooks who told Trump to move on from the election. Just to note, both Brooks and Britt believe the election was stolen.
33Colombia Leftist Gustavo Petro wins Colombia's presidential election, becoming their first leftist president and beating Hitler follower Rodolfo Hernández.
14France Emmanuel Macron's party is set to lose its majority in the French National Assembly. The left-green alliance under Jean-Luc Mélenchon and national rally under Marine Le Pen are set to make big gains.
21United States Some mildly entertaining news of how Trump "fundraising" e-mails were worded exactly like actual scams. The fun part is they were actually scams by the Trump team to make off with their supporters money.
10United StatesNew Mexico. Setting the stage for 2022 and 2024? Trump's big lie has taken over a New Mexico county, as a GOP-led commission refuses to certify the primary vote, citing baseless claims of election fraud. This has prompted the state Supreme Court to step in and order the immediate certification of the election results. (One of the sitting members of the commission was involved in the 2021 U.S. Capitol riot and was convicted and sentenced for trespassing on Capitol grounds.) They have until June 17 right before midnight to avoid further legal action. Update: The commission voted to certify the election, albeit by a narrow 2-1 margin. The man who voted against is the same guy who was present at the January 6 Capitol riot. (non-paywall version)
2United StatesTexas. Mayra Flores, an ultraconservative accused of supporting QAnon, has flipped Texas' 34th district and is heading to Congress after a runoff election. Flores is expected to defend her seat in the general election in November.
15Canada The 2022 Ontario provincial election has the lowest voter turnout in history. Only 43% of eligible voters turned up. The Progressive Conservative Party wins a majority (I.E all the power) with only an 18% share of all eligible voters.
-15United States Florida. Oh great, Republicans win. Florida Supreme Court will not hear a challenge to the state's congressional maps until after the midterms.
4United StatesPennsylvania. After weeks of recounting, David McCormick concedes defeat to Dr. Oz by a razor thin margin in the GOP primary. Oz is expected to face John Fetterman in a race for a Senate seat in Pennsylvania. Need we remind you that Fetterman had a stroke.
16Denmark European Union Around two-thirds of Danes have voted in favour of scrapping an opt-out from EU security and defence policy, in a referendum triggered by Russia's war in Ukraine.

May 2022[edit]

-6United StatesOhio. After the Republicans on Ohio's redistricting committee refused to come up with a new map, US District Court's Southern District of Ohio has ordered Ohio to use 'Map 3', a set of state legislative district maps already rejected twice by the Ohio Supreme Court for being illegally weighed in favor of Republicans. As usual, the Ohio Supreme Court has washed their hands of it, by refusing to hold committee members in contempt for blatant disregard for court orders, including submitting the already rejected Map 3 again on May 6.
8United StatesOregon. Jo Rae Perkins, a QAnon believing candidate, has won the GOP primary for the Oregon U.S. Senate seat. This is her second attempt to run as a Senator after losing in 2020.
8United StatesAlabama. Katie Britt leads over Mo Brooks in a race for a Senate seat with 45% of the vote. The two are expected to face each other again in a runoff election on June 21st.
-8United StatesArkansas. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Mike Huckabee’s daughter (and former White House Press Secretary), easily wins nomination for Arkansas’ Republican nomination for Governor.
-8United StatesGeorgia (U.S. State). Herschel Walker, Trump-approved candidate and former football star, wins GOP primary to challenge Raphael Warnock’s seat in the U.S. Senate in Georgia.
6United StatesGeorgia (U.S. State). Georgia governor Brian Kemp defeats Trump approved candidate, David Perdue, in the GOP primary.
21Australia With counting underway for the the Federal Election in Australia, it is apparent that there will be a change of government, with Anthony Albanese set to be the 31st Prime Minister and the Labor party unseating the three term Liberal/National Coalition government. It's yet to be seen if it will be a majority or minority government. Update: Labor set to form majority government.
5United StatesNorth Carolina. Trump approved candidate for North Carolina's Senate seat, Ted Budd has won the primary and is expected to face Cheri Beasley.
24United StatesNorth Carolina. Hardcore Trumpist and US Representative Madison Cawthorn is defeated by Chuck Edwards in the primary election for NC-11. Good riddance.
-24United StatesPennsylvania. Doug Mastriano, Trump endorsed candidate who attended the Capitol riot, has won the Republican Primary for the Pennsylvania gubernatorial election.
15LebanonHezbollah and its allied parties lose their majority in Lebanon's parliament amid an ongoing financial meltdown.
11France France's centre-right prime minister Jean Castex has been replaced by technocrat Élisabeth Borne, after Castex has handed in his resignation to Emmanuel Macron. Borne would be France's second female prime minister, after Édith Crasson who served back in 1991 to 1992.
7United StatesOhio. Once again, the Ohio redistricting committee has had to explain to the Ohio Supreme Court why they shouldn't be held in contempt, after they re-approved the already rejected Map 3 on 5 May. The Republican argument is that the Ohio Supreme Court doesn't have authority to hold them in concept as it's a violation of separation of powers. (As they're separate branches of government.) (Trying to catch up on this mess? Here's a timeline.
-1PhilippinesThe son of the late Philippines dictator Ferdinand Marcos, Ferdinand Marcos Jr, claims victory in Philippine presidential election
13United States Florida. Egregious Florida gerrymander, forced by Ron DeSantis, has been struck down. UPDATE: Florida Republicans appealed, forcing the decision to be put on hold.
7United States Nevada. Elise Stefanik and Adam Laxalt- endorsed House candidate in Nevada's 1st congressional district Carolina Serrano comes out against civil rights
18United Kingdom England Wales Scotland The 2022 local elections in Great Britain have been a mixed bag, but the Conservatives have fared badly by losing over 400 councillors and twelve councils. Notable losses include; Westminster, Wandsworth and Southampton to Labour, Gosport on the south coast to the Lib Dems and no overall control in Maidstone and Huntingdonshire. The Tories have lost Monmouthshire, meaning they have no Conservative-controlled councils at all in Wales. The only gain was Harrow, and that is suspected to be due to the high number of British-Indians living there.

April 2022[edit]

-29United StatesFlorida. Florida has established an election "fraud" police force with a new bill signed into law.
32Slovenia Slovenia's 3-term, Trump-loving, nationalistic Prime Minister, Janez Janša, defeated by liberal Freedom Movement, which only formed in January.
25France Exit polls suggest a 58% - 42% win for incumbent Emmanuel Macron over his rival Marine Le Pen in the French Presidential election.
33United StatesGeorgia (U.S. State). Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga) is due in court today to defend her eligibility to hold office against a charge that she has breached the 14th amendment - if you take an oath to defend the constitution you are inelgible for office if you then engage in insurrection and rebellion.... and she'll have to testify under oath against penalty of perjury.... which might be interesting given her lack of practiice at speaking truthfully anywhere else.
-7United StatesOhio. Oh cool, Republicans win. A panel of 3 federal judges will impose the previously rejected Map 3 proposal and an August 2nd legislative primary date, if the redistricting committee fails to come up with a new map by May 28.
14United StatesOhio. Shocker, Ohio Supreme Court rejects a fourth legislative map proposal. (This is not surprising, as it's just the rejected third map with a few minor tweaks.)
21France Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen achieved the top 2 votes, will be faced in the runoff.
16Pakistan Imran Khan has lost the confidence vote and is ousted from power.
12United StatesOhio. Ohio's redistricting is going about as well as expected. A split primary is all but inevitable, as Ohio house & senate races have been removed from ballots. The redistricting committee members are now, for the second time, explaining to the Ohio Supreme Court why they shouldn't be held in contempt, after the four Republicans just resubmitted an already rejected map, slightly tweaked. Also, a group of GOP voters have been trying to take it into federal court and force the state to use the already struck down third map. This lawsuit is now delayed determining when the inevitable split primary will happen.
10United StatesOhio. Unhappy with the Ohio Supreme Court not letting them gerrymander the state, the GOP are trying to pay the court back. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose has said impeaching a Republican Ohio Supreme Court justice "may be the right thing to do" and that she "violated her oath of office", because she's voted against the GOP approved maps multiple times. He then tried to deny it, in a hair splitting argument. Meanwhile, a GOP lawmaker has put forth a bill to pay for the second primary out of the court's budget.
-25Serbia Pro-Russian SNS president Aleksandar Vučić is re-elected while his party lost seats in the national assembly.
-19Hungary Orban’s party wins major victory, ensuring at least several more years of his leadership and likely placing him at the head of a two-thirds parliamentary majority.
12Pakistan Facing a confidence vote he was likely to lose, Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan dissolves parliament and calls for snap elections. Update: The Supreme Court reverses his attempted dissolution of Parliament. (paywall)
16United StatesAlaska. Caribou Barbie announces she’s running for Congress in Alaska: “As I’ve watched the far left destroy the country, I knew I had to step up and join the fight.”

March 2022[edit]

7Malta Low turnout in the general election made both the Labour and Nationalist party make little to no gains.
10United StatesArizona. Alleged QAnon kingpin, Ron Watkins, has enough signatures to be on the ballot in Arizona's Republican primaries.
20United StatesAlabama. "America First" Republican Mo Brooks, floundering in the polls for his bid to the United States Senate in 2022, has lost his endorsement from Trump. The two immediately began to sling hilarious jargon at each other.
21Australia This issue affects South Australia Labor has won a sweeping victory against the incumbent Liberals in South Australia's state-wide general election. Even the state premier has lost his seat! This election is crucial, as it is only months from the nationwide general election, and already Scotty from Marketing is looking very vulnerable.
26Colombia Former Bogotá mayor leftist Gustavo Petro leads in the primary elections. In addition, left-wing party Historic Pact made gains in both government chambers.
8United KingdomWhat are the motives behind the timing of Farage’s new political campaign? Is the launch of the anti-Net Zero group intended to be a distraction from Farage’s Putin links and sympathies, a desperate bid by the former UKIP leader for relevance - or a bit of both?
-8South Korea The conservative People Power Party candidate, Yoon Suk-yeol, wins the South Korean presidential election by a narrow margin

February 2022[edit]

11South Korea South Korea's Presidential Election: A deep dive into the issues and their implications for Korean politics and society
34United StatesOhio. Ohio lawmakers still can't draw a congressional map that doesn't break the state constitution... They've sent the map drawing task back to the Ohio Redistricting Commission, after lawmakers failed to devise and approve a suitable map by Sunday, 6 February, the deadline set by the Ohio Supreme Court.
-19United StatesAlabama. SCOTUS in a 5-4 decision, allow Alabama to use their gerrymandered congressional map, deemed a violation of the Voting Rights Act by a three judge panel in January.
27United StatesNorth Carolina. North Carolina Supreme Court strikes down gerrymandered map, also orders proportional map.

January 2022[edit]

24 Italy 80 year-old Italian President Sergio Mattarella, who was hoping to retire, has agreed to serve a second term after the Italian Parliament failed to choose a successor.
5United StatesAlabama. Court shoots down Alabama map as racial gerrymander, in yet another Democratic redistricting victory.
-123Barbados Prime minister wins re-election from Barbados in a landslide, as her party wins all 30 seats in the election.
25United States Mike Lindell says he has "enough evidence" to put 300 million Americans in jail for election fraud
31United States Ohio. Ohio Supreme Court strikes down R gerrymander in a huge win for the left. Alternate source for those afflicted with "This content is not available in your country/region."