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Holocaust denial

Holocaust denial or Holocaust revisionism is the assertion that the Holocaust (often called the "Holohoax") perpetrated by Nazi Germany, other Axis powers, and their collaborators in occupied Europe during the Second World War never happened (denial) or happened vastly differently from the "official" story (revision). Like most conspiracy theories, it takes many forms; however, the claims generally fall into three categories:

  1. The Nazi Holocaust was faked (the evidence is deceitful);
  2. The Nazi Holocaust didn't happen (the evidence is wrong);
  3. The Nazi Holocaust wasn't that bad (the evidence is weak).

Particularly when it focuses on "how the Jews faked it all", Holocaust denial is a form of anti-Semitism often embraced by bigots who are too cowardly to admit that they wished that Hitler had finished the job.

This article tries to briefly rebut the most common claims.