Lipton Matthews

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Lipton Matthews
As someone who is black, I submit that black culture is downright regressive, and I do not care if people are offended. Until black people evolve, they will remain an obstacle to their prosperity.
—Lipton Matthews writing for a white nationalist website.[1]
The colorful pseudoscience
Race & Racialism
Icon race.svg
Hating thy neighbour
Divide and conquer

Lipton Matthews, Jr. is Jamaican global warming denialist,[2] Holocaust denier,[3][4][5] hereditarian, anti-feminist and promoter of human biodiversity pseudoscience who writes articles for alt-right and white nationalist websites such as American Renaissance, Aporia Magazine, Counter-Currents and The Unz Review.[6][7][8][9] His interviews with far-right influencers such as Edward Dutton and the Holocaust denier Thomas Dalton are published on the anti-Semitic Occidental Observer website.[10][11]

Matthews has been described as American Renaissance's most frequent black contributor.[8] He has written 10 articles for the website.[12] He argues in support of "White Racial Consciousness".[13] He was a student at the University of the West Indies.[14] In response to why he writes for white nationalist websites, he has said they are willing to explore controversial issues.[8] He says he rejects black culture.[1]

Matthews supports western colonialism and opposes immigration and multiculturalism.[8][15][16][17]


White men made Western civilization great. If Americans want to suffer economically — the way Uganda did after its black politicians expelled the country’s successful Asian minority — then business and political elites should continue to dismiss white men. But if America wants to retain superpower status, white men must be valued.
—Lipton Matthews[18]

Matthews argues that diversity is a "delusion" and describes racial unity as a "myth".[19][20] He is on record saying "I love the bourgeois society that whites created" and describes third-world countries as a "dump".[21]

He is a writer for the paleoconservative magazine Chronicles.[22] The Southern Poverty Law Center have stated that Chronicles "caters to the more intellectual wing of the white nationalist movement".[23] Matthews is also a writer for The FederalistWikipedia and the Mises Institute.[24][25]


Matthews has written an article for the far-right Counter-Currents website, "The Reality of the Black-White IQ Gap Is Undeniable".[26] He takes his research from controversial hereditarians such as Richard Lynn, Davide Piffer, John G. R. Fuerst and Emil Kirkegaard's OpenPsych pseudojournals.[26]

It’s evident that the black-white IQ gap has a genetic basis, and stating otherwise will not alter this reality, nor will it improve the status of black Americans. Our only option is to accept the science and desist from fixating on racial disparities.[26]

Matthews interviewed Richard Lynn for the Occidental Observer which was also published by the The Unz Review.[27][28]

Human biodiversity[edit]

They say race is a social construct but the evidence suggests otherwise.
—Lipton Matthews[29]

Matthews identifies as a "race realist" and is a supporter of human biodiversity pseudoscience.[8][13]

White Nationalists want a larger outlet for their ideas, and this goal is not insurmountable if they employ the right strategy. White Nationalism isn’t palatable to many today, but the human biodiversity (HDB) project is gaining credibility. In order for it to succeed, White Nationalists should rebrand themselves as human biodiversity advocates, and when their new publications acquire some esteem, they must infiltrate the mainstream with dissident ideas. Saying that you are a White Nationalist is a losing strategy, since people don’t want to be associated with a movement they equate with hate. But one can be a human biodiversity advocate without being a White Nationalist.[13]

White nationalism[edit]

Matthews is supportive of white nationalism which he distinguishes from white supremacy but only if white nationalists endorse human biodiversity.[13]

White Nationalists, on the other hand, envision homelands for white people. They are tribalists who prefer to be around their own people because they value the cohesion of homogeneous societies. If White Nationalists would articulate their positions with greater clarity, then the stigma surrounding it would be removed.

Without recruiting smart people to write for their new HBD publications, this goal will never be achieved, however. If they succeed in employing the right people — those who can explain the idiocy of those who condemn White Nationalists as racists while revering the Black Nationalist Marcus GarveyWikipedia— then the movement will gain some ground. People are becoming more receptive to discussing racial differences in intelligence and other controversial topics, and thus White Nationalists can bring their movement into the mainstream by rebranding themselves as something else and then getting people to affirm the logic of white identity politics.[13]


Matthews is supportive of western colonialism.[15]

Anti-colonialism is a political ploy to enslave white people to the greedy demands of activists by cultivating guilt about Western imperialism. Clearly, imperialism is expensive and often oppressive, but the imposition of Western rule produced favorable outcomes in several countries.[15]

Jamaicans would have never been dominant in sports had it not been for British colonialism. Colonial culture integrated sports into the education system. This led to the formation of CHAMPS, a super important track event in Jamaica.[30]

Opposition to black history month[edit]

Matthews has criticized black history month in an article for the American Renaissance.[31]

This is why we should scrap Black History Month. It’s irrelevant to learning, and is solely about projecting undeserved black pride. For one month, black people get to brag that their race has produced men and women on par with the best whites. But they show no desire to carry on the work of these illustrious characters. Blacks use this time only to score cheap political points. After the fanfare, forgotten black thinkers revert to being interesting subjects only for scholarly whites.

Unlike whites who celebrate men such as Adam Smith and Milton Friedman every day, blacks lack zeal for non-commercial learning. Giving blacks a month to promote their historical achievements is pointless if their attitude towards learning stays the same. The heroes of the black community will always be entertainers, not forgotten intellectuals such as Abram Harris and Alexander Crummell or entrepreneurs such as Elijah McCoy and Milly Pierce. All Black History Month does is stroke the egos of some blacks. We should scrap it to spare blacks the burden of pretending to care about learning.[31]

Global warming denialism[edit]

Matthews is a global warming denialist.[2][32] He believes increased CO2 is beneficial for the planet and ignores all the negative consequences of global warming including acidification of the oceans, habitat destruction, loss of sea ice, melting glaciers and ice sheets and rises in sea levels. Like other global-warming denialists, Matthews is obsessed with claiming global warming is greening the planet.

Global warming is associated with the greening of the planet and rising biodiversity. In fact, NASA satellites have observed that the greening of the earth during recent decades has been considerable. Moreover, NASA even computed that the earth is greener today than in the 1980s. Global greening implies that the increasing availability of farmlands for agricultural production can avert fears of an impending food crisis.[2]

Matthews ignores the fact that CO2 is not the only factor that controls plant growth.[33] Plants need the correct balance of water and soil nutrients to translate extra carbon dioxide into growth. Climate change, driven by excessive CO2 increases drought, reduces water supply for plants while simultaneously increasing the risk of wildfires.[33] Contrary to what Matthews believes, extra CO2 can make plants less nutritious as they end up containing lower concentrations of nutrients such as nitrogen, copper and potassium.[34]

Matthews has interviewed H. Sterling Burnett on his podcast who claims global warming is not bad for the earth as humans thrive in warmer periods.[2] Burnett has described global warming as a hoax.[35]

Holocaust denial[edit]

See the main article on this topic: Holocaust denial

Matthews is supportive of the Holocaust revisionism denial of Thomas Dalton.[36] He has interviewed Dalton for the anti-Semitic Occidental Observer.[11]

The Anti-Defamation League have described Dalton as an author of "numerous Holocaust denial works".[37]

In his own words:

Thomas Dalton's Debating the Holocaust is the most incisive book I have read on the topic. People should appreciate that several mainstream sources on the topic are inaccurate. Genocides are not unusual and the figures involved are often debated so this should not be an anomaly.[38]


Matthews believes that Muslims are unintelligent.

Islamic countries are underdeveloped because anti-rational schools in Islam are incompatible with secularism and liberalism. Islam is yet to disentangle reason from revelation.[39]


Matthews speaking to white nationalist Edward Dutton on his podcast

Matthews on his YouTube channel has interviewed various eugenicists, hereditarians and far-right influencers:

His podcast has been promoted by the racist pseudointellectual Emil Kirkegaard.[55] In May 2024, after this RationalWiki article had exposed Matthews' interviews with far-right and white supremacists he stopped using his old podcast and set up a new one.[56]

External links[edit]


  1. 1.0 1.1 A Black Man on Why He Rejects Black Culture.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Rethinking Climate Change: Are the Apocalyptic Models Wrong?.
  6. Lipton Matthews.
  7. Lipton Matthews.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 “Other Blacks Usually Respond With Hysteria, but That Is Not My Problem”.
  9. Myths about Black History.
  10. Lipton Matthews interviews Ed Dutton on Intelligence, Feminism, and Patriarchy.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Lipton Matthews Interviews Thomas Dalton.
  12. Lipton Matthews.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Why I Endorse White Racial Consciousness.
  14. The Gleaner Grew Me - Lipton Matthews Jr of St. Andrew
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 The Legacy of Western Colonialism.
  16. Haiti is not Jamacia's Problem - Send Refugees Back to Haiti.
  17. Immigration in the Age of Multiculturalism.
  18. White Men: America’s Greatest Asset.
  19. The Diversity Delusion.
  20. Critical Race theory does not understand history. Racial unity is a myth.
  22. Lipton Matthews.
  23. "Meet Jessica Vaughan, the anti-immigrant movement's representative at tomorrow's Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on DACA" (in en). October 2, 2017. 
  24. Lipton Matthews.
  25. Lipton Matthews.
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 The Reality of the Black-White IQ Gap Is Undeniable.
  27. Lipton Matthews Interviews Richard Lynn.
  28. Lipton Matthews Interviews Richard Lynn.
  29. Lipton Matthews on Twitter.
  30. Lipton Matthews on Twitter.
  31. 31.0 31.1 Scrap Black History Month.
  32. Exposing the Lies of Climate Activists.
  33. 33.0 33.1 Don't plants do better in environments with very high CO2?.
  34. ‘Global Greening’ Sounds Good. In the Long Run, It’s Terrible.
  35. Does Sterling Burnett actually believe what he says about global warming?.
  36. Lipton Matthews on Twitter.
  37. Thomas Dalton.
  39. Lipton Matthews on Twitter. Archived.
  40. What's the future of Liberalism?.
  41. Noah Carl on Intelligence, Immigration, and Race.
  42. Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy: An interview with Dr. Nathan Cofnas.
  43. Edward Dutton talks about Intelligence, Feminism and Patriarchy.
  44. Edward Dutton on Witch trials, Feminism, and Intelligence.
  45. Richard Hanania on American Imperialism and Wokeness.
  46. Lee Jussim on Microaggression, Implicit Bias, and Stereotype Accuracy. EP.1
  47. A Conversation with Richard Lynn.
  48. Dr. Kevin Macdonald talks about Western Individualism, Identity Politics and Jews.
  49. Charles Murray Uncut.
  50. Is Welfare Promoting Negative Traits.
  51. Dr. Heiner Rindermann on the Importance of the Cognitive Elite.
  52. Steve Sailer Confronts Black Culture.
  53. Intellectual Debates the Racism of Founding Fathers.
  54. Debunking the Biggest Myths About Intelligence.
  56. Lipton Matthews.