Project 2025

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Logo of "Project 2025". They're too scared to just call it "Project Domestic Terrorism".
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Project 2025 is the master plan by the Heritage Foundation to be enacted should a Republican win the upcoming 2024 presidential election.[1][2] It aims to "march into office and bring a new army, aligned, trained, and essentially weaponised conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state”.[3] What they actually mean is to turn the United States into a Christian nationalist "utopia"[4] led by none other than the four-times indicted former president, Donald Trump.[5] It is pretty much the culmination of 50+ years of unadulterated unfiltered hatred and scorn for pretty much every LGBTQIA+, non-white, and non-Christian individual under the sun, leading to what can be described as Trumpism in its purest form.[6] The plan is led by former Trump administration member, Paul Dans, who was the chief-of-staff of the Office of Personal Management.[7] Multiple conservative think tanks and organizations have been collaborating in order to get its agenda across, including Turning Point USA.[2]

It would not be much of an exaggeration to say that the success of Project 2025 would be the beginning of the end of humanity. More specifically, this could either create a massive worldwide influence and cause a regression in human progress, and/or turn the United States into more of a laughing stock than it already is.

The plan consists of four pillars which consist of policy, a personnel database, training for would-bes, and a 180-day playbook, all of which will be described in detail.

Pillar I[edit]

Pillar I is mainly the policies and agendas that Project 2025 has in store, all of which is confounded in a book called Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.[8] The 920-page document begins with a foreword claiming that Cultural Marxism allegedly affecting our institutions has come to pass and that the federal government "is a behemoth, weaponized against American citizens and conservative values, with freedom and liberty under siege as never before". I.e the usual weasel words used by wingnuts and Trump supporters.

Abortion policy[edit]

According to Vice President on domestic policy, Roger Severino, the plan wants the Department of Health and Services to ensure that "every state report exactly how many abortions take place within its borders, at what gestational age of the child, for what reason, the mother's state of residence, and by what method." Considering that Republicans want a nationwide abortion ban,[note 1] it's not exactly hard to see that this essentially translates to reporting anyone who gets an abortion to authorities.[9]

Climate and environment[edit]

Project 2025's plan on climate can essentially be considered as a massive "fuck you" to the Earth's biosphere and every single effort done by anyone to reduce climate change, as the plan recommends increasing usage of more natural gas (such as methane), convince allied nations to use more fossil fuels, and shuttering the loans program office at the Department of Energy. They also intend to reverse the 2009 EPA finding on carbon dioxide affecting human health. This part of the plan was drafted by Bernard McNamee, who was previously an advisor at several fossil fuel companies, so this shouldn't come off as exactly surprising. Pretty much making the climate worse for everyone to "own da libs."[10]


The people behind Project 2025 consider the Department of Education "a convenient one-stop shop for the woke education cartel"[note 2] and want it abolished, and want control of education "returned" to the states. The document also includes a section on "parental rights", which focuses on the rights of parents to cover up child abuse effectively, force transgender and queer children to present as cisgender, and prevent their children from being taught whatever the Heritage Foundation thinks Critical race theory is. This section also states that "Federal lawmakers should not allow public school employees to keep secrets about a child from that child’s parents." How this would be accomplished is unclear.

Sexuality, Marriage, and LGBTQIA+ rights[edit]

See the main articles on this topic: SexualityMarriage, and LGBT rights

Project 2025 has made it clear that their definition of a family is that of a married mother, father and their children. There also would be a return of employers' rights to discriminate against LGBTQIA+ people. In essence, they want to revert LGBTQIA+ rights back to the 1950s while also labeling any pro-gay and pro-trans content as "pornography". Considering they want pornography outlawed,[note 3] it doesn't exactly take a genius to figure out where they're going with this.



  • Through unitary executive theory, an expansion in the President's power over the executive office.
  • A major purge in government employees involving Schedule F and replacing them with nothing but yes-men.

Pillar II[edit]

All the madness that we just talked about up there? That was just Pillar I. Pillar II consists of a personnel database designed to recruit potential followers to their cause, updated via an application form.

Pillar III[edit]

Pillar III is what is made sure what those in the database are educated into doing in order to carry out the Republican President's agendas. This includes lovely gems such as preparedness, conservative "governance 101", the almighty authority state & its "regulatory process" (read: Trump's wall sieve), & "advancing policy".

Said hellpits are set up as self-paced online courses ranging 30-90 minutes long, with in-person sessions waiting to be implemented, especially the "intense instruction tailored for high-level positions", which coming in person is required. Furthermore, signing up will apparently automatically make you a professional, which is supposed to make you "want to learn, engage, get credentialed, and BE PREPARED" to kiss Trump's ass via being yet another one of his yes-men.

Pillar IV[edit]

Pillar IV is made up of a 180-day playbook called "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise"[11] that expects the agendas given out assuming success. It's made up of five sections: "taking the reins of government", "the common defense", the general welfare", "the economy", & "independent regulatory agencies".

External links[edit]


  1. So much for state's rights.
  2. Actual quote from the document
  3. Which in of itself would be exceptionally difficult to enforce given the internet.
