Talk:Daily Bale

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This Internet related article has been awarded BRONZE status for quality. It's getting there, but could be better with improvement. See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.


I saw this site quoted in WIGO:Clogs and suspected that it was parody, but not being overly-familiar with this brand of scum, I let it pass. Redchuck.gif ГенгисmaraudingModerator 15:28, 4 August 2013 (UTC)

It's an odd one. The article about left-wing kidnappings certainly reads like a parody, ad that would certainly explain why almsot all of the group's claims are fabricated. But it seems strange that a website parodying the EDL would spend so much time making libelous claims about various Hope not Hate members being paedophiles. An attempt to troll both sides, perhaps? Balaam (talk) 15:46, 4 August 2013 (UTC)

Any chance someone with a Twitter account could post a link to this article in one of their conversations, such as this one? Someone needs to put them out of their misery. Balaam (talk) 19:24, 4 August 2013 (UTC)

Can somebody read this?
The mention of Alex Wood requires amendment. — Unsigned, by: Mrpibb / talk / contribs
Fair enough,you'd have saved a lot of aggro if you'd tried explaining before removing.

Alan Hanson[edit]

Alan Hanson is noted as someone who supports these views. As a Brit my thoughts turned immediately to the retired Liverpool footballer and MOTD pundit. When I followed the twitter link it became apparent that it was someone completely different. If the "real" Alan Hanson had "All United against Islam" as his twitter avatar then I'm sure the British tabliod press would have made much of it.

So, some unknown guy who has, probably, hijacked Alan Hanson's good name (he's alanhanson24) supports the Daily Bale - not notable and threfore deleted. Doxys Midnight Runner (talk) 14:53, 22 September 2014 (UTC)

The webpage[edit]

All I get from the Daily Blame is a blank page, and that's been the case for a week, from a few different ips. If it is down, any claims that rely on linking to it need to be re-evaluated. Peace. AgingHippie (talk) 18:21, 21 February 2015 (UTC)