Talk:Joel Fuhrman

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I remember complaining to WENH ch 11 Durham NH the last time they wasted electricity on this guy. ħumanUser talk:Human 03:54, 5 March 2014 (UTC)

Does it work?[edit]

Have any clinical studies been done on H=C/N and nutritarianism? The FCP Foundation (talk/stalk) 22:42, 4 January 2016 (UTC)

No, and we don't need to because common sense (large values of N and small values of C give huge values of H that obviously don't correspond to reality). I think there was some mention of Fuhrman where he says that it's just a simplistic rough guide, and the website does warn against things like hypervitaminosis A... Which is fair enough, I suppose... Carpetsmoker (talk) 22:48, 4 January 2016 (UTC)