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Russian version of Fox News[edit]

You can say it's the Russian version of Fox News.But if you filter the bullshit ,you can still get a pretty good info you won't find in any western media. Sportsbetting (talk) 22:16, 18 June 2010 (UTC)

So, in other words, not like Fox Noise, as Fox Noise is 100% bullshit. Lord Goonie Hooray! I'm helping! 22:18, 18 June 2010 (UTC)
RT is actually one of the best things going, along with the English service of Al Jazeera, both of which I pick up as sub-channels on digital over the air TV. Yes their coverage of Russia and neighboring countries (e.g. Georgia) is considerably biased and I have seen them bring on Gerald Celente and Webster Griffin Tarpley as dubious "experts". But their coverage outside of Russia is far better than anything one gets from the obsequiously timid ass-kissing U.S. media. It is ironic that RT, Al Jazeera and even shortwave propaganda outlets like Radio Havana Cuba are better sources for news offline, as the U.S. media is either Fox, networks trying to imitate Fox, and other networks playing the loyal opposition to Fox. Then again, that's what the web is for. It does help to hear a variety of different angles and to have a good bullshit filter in place with all these sources. Secret Squirrel (talk) 12:10, 17 January 2011 (UTC)
We must be seeing different RT then (or you need more BBC). Even on stories where I completely agree with the RT line (e.g. anti-ACTA), their Fox News-like presentation is so utterly, blatantly spinning it's hideous. Being interviewed by them is also fucking weird - during the Wikipedia SOPA blackout I had the guy in their US office (a Russian with a nearly perfect American accent) trying really hard to get me to give him the quote he'd prewritten. I have asked other people about this (in Wikimedia and out) and they report the same thing. Some refuse ever to speak to them again after they just made shit completely up in the resulting piece. This is not a Russian thing, it's an RT thing - I've dealt with NTV, for example, and they're really just normal. RT is a state-sponsored Fox News - David Gerard (talk) 10:40, 2 July 2012 (UTC)

RT is even worse then Fox News as it is delivered by a federal government. Despite Fox News' popularity, it's still a private corporation that isn't funded or directed by the government. And as bad as Fox News is, RT goes above and beyond in their propaganda because they shape the things they will report on based upon what Putin wants. They won't even report on anything bad with the Russian government, or anything good that the West does. At least on Fox (which I dislike a lot, by the way) will report on these things even if they try to spin them afterwards. And I also don't think Fox tries at all to hide it's Republican bias, while RT tries desperately to look as if it's real media. RT lies, obfuscates, ignores important topics if the Kremlin doesn't agree with them and gives way too much attention to small topics if they fit the RT agenda. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs (signed by bot) 00:48, 21 January 2015 (UTC)

Max Keiser[edit]

I think we need a Max Keiser article.He's the cult leader...i mean host of the Keiser Report.That program is so blatantly biased,i'm surprised that i haven't seem him torch the US flag or throwing darts at a picture of Buffett on their show yet.The secrets of his success is probably because he's known for going mental and shouting live on the show while bashing some American political figure or businessman.Since i'm not an economist,i don't feel like commenting on the economic truthfulness of their economic commentaries and the ˝experts˝ (mostly some no-name bloggers),who are being regularly called on the show.Maybe there is someone here with a higher expertize who's familiar with the show.I see there's already Gerald Celente article who's frequently associated with Keiser as well --Sportsbetting (talk) 21:16, 19 October 2010 (UTC)