User talk:Admiral Lowe

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New logo large.png Welcome to RationalWiki, Admiral Lowe!

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You're going to have to explain "LGBTIQQAP" to me - suddenly I feel as if there's a whole bunch of stuff I'm missing out on. --PsyGremlinPrata! 17:07, 19 June 2010 (UTC)

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer, questioning, allies... and... damn. Forgot P. It's at this point you think the acronym should really just say who it excludes rather than includes. Scarlet A.pngnarchist 17:40, 19 June 2010 (UTC)
That last one is pansexual, also known to some as omnisexual, and, apparently "pomosexual" though I can neither confirm nor deny the veracity of that definition. In general, the whole point of the movement is to protect everyone, and so most don't object to expansions of the acronym. The whole reason the acronym exists is really to define what is being protected, which in this case is wild sex. If space is an issue, everyone goes back to LGBT anyway. Admiral Lowe (talk) 17:47, 19 June 2010 (UTC)
Everyone knows LGBT is an acronym for "young white middle-class gay man" - David Gerard (talk) 18:16, 19 June 2010 (UTC)
You got your WASP in my LGBT! You got your LGBT in my WASP! Two wildly different tastes that taste terrible together! Admiral Lowe (talk) 18:32, 19 June 2010 (UTC)
Take that, WASPs, you can't be LGBT!!! lol. I think the whole expansion of the acronyms is silly, personally. The point of an acronym isn't "to include everyone" it's to "be more concise" if you have to explain the 9 letters in the acronym, it's hardly helping. But whatever. I only support, and am totally straight myself, so my opinion surely doesn't count for much. I really just came here to say "Welcome!" and couldn't help but comment. Quaru (talk) 13:48, 20 June 2010 (UTC)

Welcome to the Dollhouse, Admiral! ħumanUser talk:Human 03:29, 20 June 2010 (UTC)

Thanks! Comfy chairs you've got here. I'll try not to break anything. Admiral Lowe (talk) 12:09, 20 June 2010 (UTC)