User talk:Brendiggg

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New logo large.png Welcome to RationalWiki, Brendiggg!

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Aboriginal Noise What the hell is that thing? 16:04, 2 March 2010 (UTC)


What type? Biscuit addicts need to know! Jack Hughes (talk) 16:43, 2 March 2010 (UTC)

Every type of biscuit known to humankind. A veritable feast.Brendiggg (talk) 07:38, 3 March 2010 (UTC)

Comparing multiple revisions[edit]

In case of Conservative's edits, you can go to the history, use the radio buttons to select to revisions and click "Compare selected revisions" to get the diff. -- Nx / talk 18:29, 4 May 2010 (UTC)


Well, you may well be made of biscuits, but you've also been demoted. Here's your bucket and mop - try not to get soggy. --PsyGremlinPraat! 12:48, 20 July 2010 (UTC)

Aww crap. I'll get scrubbing.— Unsigned, by: Brendiggg / talk / contribs
Pssst! Don't forget the ~~~~ signature thingy after you post... otherwise SuperJosh will try and hand his ubernoob cloak to you. --PsyGremlinTal! 13:04, 20 July 2010 (UTC)
Checking if it's not borken any more. Yes, preview shows it's not borken any more.--Brendiggg (talk) 13:11, 20 July 2010 (UTC)

TK is straight![edit]

Fuck you you whiny little piece of shit! NOT COOL! Like I "told" TerrenceKoeckring (in his 1 day block summary) TK is straight. He's on YOUR side.

I understand the need to "otherize" him but please refrain from suggesting he is gay.

OK, he is (way) over 50yo and lives with Mom, that's a given but it only mildly suggests he might be a closeted homosexual.

I bet he loves teh vagina and thinks about it all the time...just like Ed Poor can't seem to stop thinking about little goils. (But let us not go there!)

I ain't going to block ye as I don't know who the fuck you are and don't seem to be a fucking prig generally.

00:29, 9 September 2010 (UTC) C®ackeЯ

Hey Brendiggg, don't mind Cracker, he's an asshole. TK is not straight as many of us know. If Cracker wants to block everyone who insinuates that TK is gay, he'll be blocking 4/5 of the editors here. Cracker seemingly has appointed himself TK's protector, probably after private IM's, and he recently removed some info from the Terry Koeckritz page. Cracker is also the dude that let TK use his login in access the hidden RW forums long ago (got the proof). Just ignore him, he's an asshole. Fred4T (talk) 01:00, 9 September 2010 (UTC)
MC is correct that I am an asshole and I did let TK into the sooper sekrit underbelly of RW for three minutes some time ago. She is incorrect though about TK's sexuality: Many people wax poetic about TK's homosexuality in the fetid hope that he will NEVER breed. Evil begets evil but evil also pops into existence of its own accord; TK's mom is probably a salt-o-the-earth kind of gal.21:52, 9 September 2010 (UTC) C®ackeЯ
Thence TK's culinary preferences for salty substances?--Brendiggg (talk) 17:54, 10 September 2010 (UTC)

Andy the antichrist[edit]

Not a chance. The Antichrist has to have charisma and leadership capacity both. --Opcn with regards to regarding my regardliness 22:54, 29 April 2012 (UTC)

I guess he'll have to settle for being the Beast.--Brendiggg (talk) 23:56, 29 April 2012 (UTC)

Legitimizing the unlegitimizable ("unlegitimizable" is probably not even a word yet, but no matter; we can coin it)[edit]

I guess the writer of this book wouldn't make it on this wiki! Tisane (talk) 07:51, 26 August 2012 (UTC)

Thank you. Fuck off.--Brendiggg (talk) 07:53, 26 August 2012 (UTC)