User talk:TheMyon/Ghostler

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You should edit the "Bad" paragraph, so that the links won't be that easy to miss.--Kugelschreiber (talk) (mail) (block) 18:15, 20 April 2016 (UTC) 18:15, 20 April 2016 (UTC)

If you mention the trolls, I think you should divide it into two parts: Major Trolls (tub guy, ghetto capitalist, people like that) and minor trolls (like the "Jonhy walker Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth Harvest ohhh yeeeah" guy or WenaOneactual). Just a suggestion. Sierra Nav (talk) 23:30, 20 April 2016 (UTC)
Thanks for the criticism, guys. I'll do that. *salutes* TheMyon (talk) 13:03, 21 April 2016 (UTC)
Also, do you think we should have a section dedicated to his euphemisms like "fruitbowl" or "Alabama Black Snake"? Also, for good, Ghost hates Child pornography and child abuse. Sierra Nav (talk) 21:34, 21 April 2016 (UTC)


So, the page has finally been updated, so how do you guys like the changes made? TheMyon (talk) 14:03, 7 June 2016 (UTC)

Scope section[edit]

Why do I care? How many people care about him? Does he make money off this? Do politicians listen to him? A sentence or two near the beginning would explain the exigence well. FuzzyCatPotato!™ (talk/stalk) 22:13, 3 October 2016 (UTC)

Well, I mostly figured he deserves a page because I thought the content of his show (conspiracy theories, sexism, fat-shaming, pseudohistory, Islamophobia, brony-hate, transphobia and homophobia, and general right-wing scumbaggery to be relevant to the site's mission. Ghost's a bit inconsistent about whether or not he makes money off of his show, claiming that it's either "good money, baby! HAHAHAHAHAAA~!!" or "tip money". No politicians listen to him, since he's an irrelevant moron in a basement somewhere in San Antonio (used to be Austin, but he moved). However, there has been a surprising amount of doxing related to the show, mostly of fans that Ghost doesn't like much (most of which are documented here and here; don't worry, no dox are posted, just the events). Even though his listeners are all trolls, Ghost still is on mission, if you ask me.TheMyon (talk) 22:48, 4 October 2016 (UTC)
Sounds fair. Figured you may wish to include a section a la Sargon_of_Akkad#Scope. Herr FüzzyCätPötätö (talk/stalk) 00:18, 5 October 2016 (UTC)