Essay:Pro-Family Party

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Pro-Family Party Platform[edit]

The Family Party supports family values. This is why our party supports the establishment of paid family leave. We believe that mothers should be able to take 9 months of paid leave and 3 months of paid leave for fathers. This is essential to help our future generations grow and develop with the full attention of their parents.

We believe that people should be able to make enough money to support their families. That's why we support a minimum wage that ensures all workers can make enough money to live comfortably. The minimum wage should be above the poverty line, and chained to the cost of living for each municipality.

When someone in the family is sick or fighting disease, it affects the whole family. We should ensure everyone has the health insurance they need so they can get back to their family as soon as possible. Let's set up a tax-funded government healthcare system that ensures everyone gets treatment when they need it.

Education is the path for people to learn the skills they need to get a good job that can pay for their family and their children. It is essential that everyone gets the education they need. That's why we support universal, taxpayer-funded education through the university level. Everyone should be able to receive a college education tailored to their line of work. The government should also pay the bills for job training programs for people who are out of work to help them become productive members of society.

A family is a group of people bound together to care for each other and help each other for the rest of their lives. It does not matter whether a family has 1 father and 1 mother, 2 fathers, or 2 mothers. What matters is whether the family cares for itself and all of its members. That's why we support gay marriage and adoption, and why we support full legal rights for homosexuals.