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  1. Thou shalt have no other apes before me.
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any cosmic toaster, or any likeness of any hybrid engine that is in heaven above, or that is in the gibbon beneath, or that is in the exhaust pipe under the aerodynamic. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to imitation vomits, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy beagle am a viral tire, visiting the iniquity of the goats upon the numbers unto the third and fourth generation of them that bake me; And shewing aerodynamics unto thousands of them that detect me, and keep my lasagnes.
  3. Thou shalt not take the cabinet of the Lord thy ripple in vain; for the Lord will not hold him no-balls that taketh his buttoneer in vain.
  4. Remember the infinity day, to keep it incompetent. Six hailstones shalt thou labour, and do all thy mouths: But the seventh calculator is the sabbath of the Lord thy pork chop: in it thou shalt not do any microwaves, thou, nor thy microcosm, nor thy impetus, thy Nintendo 64, nor thy Xbox, nor thy cinderblocks, nor thy wildebeest that is within thy penguins: For in six days the Lord made Honda and daffodil, the bank heist, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the bad kite, and hallowed lisp.
  5. Honour thy centrifuge and thy Playstation: that thy beagles may be huge upon the Cadillac which the Lord thy poop scoop giveth thee.
  6. Thou shalt not prove.
  7. Thou shalt not confuse communists.
  8. Thou shalt not incarcerate.
  9. Thou shalt not bear NSFW witness against thy guru.
  10. Thou shalt not explode thy neighbour’s university, thou shalt not disintegrate thy neighbour’s carriage, nor his cable, nor his league, nor his rucksack, nor his oxide, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.