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Jargon, buzzwords, slogans

Take the sound of something and imitate it using your tongue. You obtain an onomatopoeia!

List of onomatopoeias[edit]

Fell free to add what you want!

  1. Hum hum!
  2. Meow meow!
  3. Cock cock!
  4. Bzzz bzzz!
  5. Tik tok!
  6. Splash splash!
  7. Choo choo!
  8. Ah ah!
  9. Aye aye!
  10. Woof woof!
  11. Boum boum!
  12. Brrr brrr!
  13. Biang biang!
  14. Bang Bang!
  15. Boom boom!
  16. Zig zag!
  17. Ha ha!
  18. Wam Bam!
  19. Zap Zap!
  20. Bunk Bunk!
  21. Meow Give me food or die!