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Dave Ramsey (born 1960) is a financial "guru" and radio pundit who is also an evangelical Christian. His radio show consists of callers who are in great amounts of debt, and wish to get out of debt. Ramsey prescribes a plan, which often includes paying off all debts using a “snowball method”. This is when you tackle debts from smallest to largest, without considering the interest rates on them. Purely for psychological effect, this is intended to lead the person to become more motivated by receiving a morale boost from eliminating individual debts.

Ramsey advises against any and all consumer debt, aside from a mortgage, and considers credit cards to be of the Devil. Basically. He often quotes the proverb “the debtor is slave to the lender,” given his religious background. He also went on Fox News once and justified the idea of amassing large amounts of wealth as being “a steward of God’s wealth,” attempting to address criticisms about his entire premise of building wealth going against the very faith he claims to adhere to.

While Ramsey may have some good advice regarding paying off debt, his other financial advice can be rather dodgy. He has been criticized by investment experts for his shoddy advice on how to make investments.