Bronze-level article

Fun:Ken Quote Generator

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Gentlemen! I will toast your precious neck, enabling me to destroy atheism on the internet. You should all be feasting over Operation baseball bat, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Gentlemen who purport to be rational,

Perhaps you thought that was a masterful rebuttal. However, your conjectures are entirely misplaced. Regarding feminism and uncharitableness, I would also point out that The Conservapedia Anti-Abortion Project is picking up steam. In fact, by the latter part of next week, it is likely Liberal Panty-waists will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation Grassroots is gathering steam!!! Ole! Ole! Ole! Sincerely,


[edit] [purge] Documentation


Is your talk page lacking Ken's idiotic blathering? Try the {{Kenquote}} template!

How to use the template:

  • If you'd like Ken to address a particular gentlemen: {{kenquote|gent=user's name}}.
  • To change what the fuck Ken is talking about, and what he's connecting it to: {{kenquote|subject1=whatever|subject2=something}}.
  • To input your own name for his idiotic operation: {{kenquote|operation=operation name}}.
  • To turn off the kenpics: {{kenquote|kenpics=}} (i.e., with no value after the = sign).
  • To indent the message: {{kenquote|dent=:}}, or however many colons you need to indent it by.
  • You can use these options in any combination. Otherwise, {{kenquote}} blathers on however he chooses.

See also[edit]