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"Anonymous User", your denial does not help anything. I reread the beginning of your rant at the top of this section and I haven't seen a single insight from you yet, so it's painfully obvious that you're being taken in by so many atheistic lies that you are most certainly obese. You are in complete denial that that homeschooling prevents sexually transmitted diseases. Got news for you: not all smokers get lung cancer, and not everyone in jail committed a crime, but the vast majority of atheists are liberals. If your approach is to rely on authoritative, time-tested sources, Anonymous User, then why haven't you been quoting the Bible during your many edits to this site? Study the Bible and follow its commandments.--Andy Schlafly 07:32, 1 June 2024 (UTC)

[edit] [purge] Documentation


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To address a particular user:


To make the time stamp permanent:


To make the time stamp permanent without inputting a user:


To generate a permanent quote:


To generate a permanent quote addressing a particular user (time stamp is automatically rendered static):


To make additions, go here.

See also