Category talk:Liberal wingnuttery

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The category needs to be revived[edit]

In the United States, "liberal" is often used to describe left-wing politics, but in an international context, it is never limited to left-wing politics. European conservative liberalism or classical liberalism cannot be simply classified as "Centrist stupidity".

Also, conservative liberalism (right-liberalism) is never a conservative ideology. If conservative liberalism is conservative, social liberalism is also socialist. This is a funny sound. If conservative liberals should be classified as "Conservative Wingnuttery", social liberals should be classified as "Socialist Moonbattery".

Also, not all classical liberalism are neoliberalism and liberatarianism.

Why don't we revive the category, but put a condition on American politicians not to use it? --Umaru16 (talk) 07:20, 3 December 2021 (UTC)

Except for some extremists such as Donald Trump, most politicians in the United States are liberal in the international context. In the United States, "conservatism" and "right-liberalism" cannot be distinguished. However, because Europe and Asia suffered from feudal traditions or military dictatorships, "conservatism" and "right-liberalism" are completely distinct. (Many conservatives in the United States are basically classical liberals, but conservatives in Europe and Asia are often not really part of all forms of classical liberalism.) --Umaru16 (talk)