Debate:Is secular humanism a religion that worships mankind?

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Information icon.svg This debate was created by Bowei Huang.

Some claim that secular humanism is a religion and that secular humanists worship the human race as God.

Does it ever say in any humanist manifesto, document, or declaration, etc, that humanism is not a religion? Does it ever say in any of them that humanists do not believe that any human or humans or the human race is God or are gods? Does it ever say in any of them that humanists do not worship any human or humans or the human race as God?

Are there any court rulings that humanism is not a religion?

If humanism is not a religion and humanists don't worship mankind, then how can you explain this:

Paul Kurtz said "No deity will save us. We must save ourselves."

Corliss Lamont said "Secular humanism deifies Man and says that Man, utilizing the resources of nature and yet without Divine aid, can take full credits for his achievements."

All the claims and arguments in Mind Siege: The Battle for Truth in the New Millenium about humanism being a religion and involving man-worship?

In the Chapter 8 "Humanism is a religion" they had this quote:

Theism and humanism do not differ from the act of worship. They only differ from the object of worship. Theism worship God. Humanism worships man.

All the claims and arguments in the article about Humanism on Creationwiki about it humanism being a religion and involving man-worship? (Most of the information from that website is from wikipedia

How can you explain this picture in the section Religious Identification on that article?

Bowei Huang (talk) 21:50, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Um no. By the way our site tags all links no follow so you are not increasing your search engine rankings to creationwiki in any way by spamming us. - π 03:16, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
Jesus, this guy is really getting on my tits. TheoryOfPractice (talk) 03:17, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
Fuck it, I'm flipping a coin. Heads 2 out of 3, his articles get deleted. Tails 2 out of three, it stays. Heregoes. --The Emperor Kneel before Zod! 03:23, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
First try: Heads
Second try: Tails
Final try: Heads

Bye-bye. --The Emperor Kneel before Zod! 03:25, 14 August 2009 (UTC)


I am very angry about Mind Siege. I AM VERY ANGRY!

I am very worried and concerned about the book. That's one reason I was writing all that.

But should I be worried or concerned about it? If not, then why not? How much should I be worried or concerned about it?

What should I do?

Bowei Huang (talk) 04:08, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

this is the first concern troll I've seen to actually use the word "concerned" in their trolling... WazzaHello? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me... 04:30, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

OK. Sorry! I am very sorry about what I've done. I was so angry, worried, and concerned about the book that I tried to do, write, say, and ask things quickly and excessively without thinking or paying much attention to what others might respond or react disapprovingly or what they might do.

That article is not important. It is not important to me. It is not important to me any more.

The same is for everything else I wrote, said, or asked about humanism and its criticisms. I promise I won't ask or write anything much about, on, or to do with humanism or anything against it any more.

I'm just asking should I be worried or concerned about the book? How worried or concerned should I be? What should I do?

If not the book, then what about criticims of secular humanism in general? Should I be worried or concerned about the book? How worried or concerned should I be? What should I do?

I'm just asking this one thing now.

Bowei Huang (talk) 05:21, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

That depends. If you actually want to know, read some humanist literature, so you can understand their actual position, rather than the straw-man arguments created by their enemies. If you're already against humanism and just trolling, you should get on with your life rather than coming here to tell us how worried about things you are. WazzaHello? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me... 07:30, 14 August 2009 (UTC)