Essay:Needed Constitutional Amendments (UHM)

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Essay.svg This essay is an original work by UHM.
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Well, I felt like writting it, so... there you go. (by all means, if you see grammar mistakes you are allowed to correct them)

Article 1: Official language[edit]

Section 1:[edit]

All government business shall be conducted in either English or Spanish. All records, laws, provisions and regulations made public shall be published in English and Spanish. All inhabitants of the United States have the right to communicate with all government bodies in English or Spanish.

Section 2:[edit]

All speakers of American Indian languages shall be provided with a translator if wished so. States and federal government shall provide funding to uphold the existence of American Indian languages within their borders with effective means.

Section 3:[edit]

All states, territories, counties and cities shall be required to publish their records, laws, provisions and regulations in the four most wide spread languages in the respective borders if those languages are spoken by more than one percent of the States population, if their population is greater than 25.000 (for counties: 5000, for cities 1.000).

Section 4:[edit]

Should the different versions of the law contradict each other, the English version shall be the reference.

Section 5:[edit]

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Article 2: Public Care[edit]

Section 1:[edit]

Federal government and states shall provide for sufficient voluntary education, health and welfare of all inhabitants within the reach of United States laws.

Section 2:[edit]

All public and private institutions, and those that work within them, have to meet federal quality requirements.

Section 3:[edit]

Federal government and states shall have the right to secure such a care with appropriate taxation.

Section 4:[edit]

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Article 3: Nationhood[edit]

Section 1:[edit]

All inhabitants of United States territory that have lived and still live in United States territory legally or illegally for more than thirty years shall be given the right to become citizens of the United States of America without further testing.

Section 2:[edit]

All persons married to a citizen of the United States for longer than ten years shall be given the right to become citizens of the United States of America without further testing even if the person is not an inhabitant of the United States.

Section 3:[edit]

The ability to hold any public office shall not be restricted by birthplace or birthparents.

Section 4:[edit]

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Article 4: Equality[edit]

Section 1:[edit]

No inhabitant or citizen of the United States shall be restricted, discriminated or favored based on their race, gender, sexual and gender identity or the persuing thereof, sexual orientation, age (if older than 18), heritage, birthplace, birthparents, disability, religion or irreligion in their treatment.

Section 2:[edit]

Marriage is a contract between persons. All persons over the age of 18 are free to enter marriage with consenting partners. Marriage partners shall not be related and shall have reached sui juris.

Section 3:[edit]

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Article 5: Life[edit]

Section 1:[edit]

The life of a human is an unalienatable right. Government shall pass no laws or instigate punishments that diminishes the right to life. Only a person and their fate may decide over that respective person's life.

Section 2:[edit]

Section 1 shall not diminish the duty of those serving in the Armed Forces or other public security agencies and departments.

Section 3:[edit]

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Article 6: International work[edit]

Section 1:[edit]

The United States government shall internationally work for peace, understanding between the peoples, the betterment of all humanity, the spread of liberty and freedom, environmental stability and environmental conservation.

Section 2:[edit]

Section 1 shall not diminish the United States right to defend itself from inner and outer threats.

Article 7: Popular Participation[edit]

Section 1:[edit]

The citizens of the United States have by general referendum the power to recall or veto a Supreme Court Justice. Such a vote has to be three fiths to be effective.

Section 2:[edit]

The citizens of the United States have by general referendum the power to veto any given law and Amendment to the Constitution with a simple majority.

Section 3:[edit]

The citizens of the United States have by general referendum the power to pass laws themselves by a simple majority.

Section 4:[edit]

The citizens of the United States have by general referendum the power to pass Amentments to the Constitution themselves by a majority of four fifths.

Section 5:[edit]

This Article may only be repealed by general referendum with a four fiths majority.

Section 6:[edit]

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. The Goverment has the duty to hold such referendums every three months if needed.

Article 8: Election of the President[edit]

Section 1:[edit]

The President shall be elected by popular vote, the candidate with the most votes and an absolute majority shall have won the election in the first round.

Section 2:[edit]

Should there not be a candidate with an absolute majority in the first round, shall there be a second round of voting, only consisting of the two candidates with the most votes in the first round. A second round shall take place one week after the first round.

Section 3:[edit]

The twelfth article of amendment to the Constitution is hereby repealed.

Section 4:[edit]

The twenty-third article of amendment to the Constitution is hereby repealed.

Section 5:[edit]

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.