Essay:The Bible unplugged

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The Bible -unplugged-[edit]

To believe or not to believe; The book named the Bible has been described as Holy by religious believers or as rubbish by skeptical thinkers. Being a Christian myself, I did attempt to accept every word in the Bible as been inspired by a higher authority and take everything in faith. But as I study the books and stories in the Bible in detail, it started to make less sense and ever to my questioning mind, seems to defy logic altogether.

Going back to the beginning and re-examining the text for the umpteenth times; as well as asking God for wisdom in understanding and making head and tail of the scriptures, I finally realised something. Yes, it may be true that the words were written down by honest, God-fearing persons, but their reality are so much different from us in this modern age. Then, they do not have the luxury of computers, hard-disks to record the events; and in the case of the earliest humans, not even pen and paper to jot down every happenings and must be relying on oral traditions to pass on the details to the next generation.

Therefore, tales and legends began to be mixed with myths and fanciful recollections thus creating this unbelievable chronicle of divine interventions. And so I decided to set the course straight and debunk fiction from fact; clearing fanciful tales from real descriptions. And it is going to be brutal.

Fact: God did not create the world; much less in six days

Fact: God did not create Adam and Eve; and they are not the first humans on this earth

Fact: There is no original SIN: God did plant a garden in Eden, but it is not the world-wide paradise you think it is

Fact: Cain did slew Abel; Yes, it's sibling rivalry but there's more to it

Fact: God did not exists, at least not until Moses created him out of thin air

Coming up Next: - GENESIS Bereshytnoinclude_text

So it is time to start at the beginning; and 'In the beginning, ....' . What comes next is of course a step by step description of the creation of the world. From day one to day six. And viola - 10 billion years of evolution compressed into just six short days. Or it could mean six long periods or epoch of creation or ages. It's hard to decipher. But what was clear is that the deity God, was able to accomplished this act of creation, well, because he is God.

Of course in comparison with some other creation myth it is not overly fantastical; not unlike one where the world was created on top of a celestial turtle standing on four legs of fearsome elephants swimming through an ethereal goop.

The buddhists believe this world is an illusion; the bad dream of the lord God Brahma who is having a nightmare in which bomb-vest wearing terrorists are running around blowing everybody to pieces and planes flying into twin towers. Soon He will wake up and settle down to have a nice cup of tea. Then He will go back to sleep to dream about 72 red-hot virgins giving Him blowjobs in 72 grade of flavors. Holy Mackemutt!

_ next - Adam & Eve.

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