Essay:The Lego Conspiracy

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You fools! Don't you see Lego is a vast evil conspiracy to take over Denmark, then the world! There are subliminal messages and everything! The Parody label is all part of a conspiracy to repress me!


Their space themes may seem like innocent conflict but beware! These themes teach us the lie of Alien Hostility!

The Mars Conspiracy[edit]

The Mars Mission theme may seem like harmless fun but behind this innocent facade lies a sinister goal:To defame our space brothers and to destroy America's space program. Mars Mission portrays a space agency war on Mars with aliens over a energy source. Now this may sound cliched...but it's all a PLOT. It is not mere chance that America's missions to Mars was canceled. The evil danish overlords bribed our government in order to advance their agenda! This theme also portrays sinister aliens. As we all know, Aliens are our friends! Clearly, more proof.

The Police State[edit]

Then again in 2009, The Danish Overlords kept spreading their lies of alien hostility! The Space Police theme depicts futuristic policeman chasing alien criminals. The darker side of this is that it is all part of the plan. One of the sets is called Lunar Limo. The Kardashians have a limo. Clearly, the Kardashians are Danish spies!


In 2011, Those dastardly danes released yet again a theme featuring Alien Hostility! The Alien Conquest Theme depicts a war between the ADU and stereotypical "Little Green Men". Clearly, they aren't trying to hide it. One set is called Tripod Invader. Now the innocent-looking vehicle is based off the works of H.G Wells, A known SOCIALIST.

City Life[edit]

At first, the Lego City appears normal. A idyllic little city with happy little people. But closer examination reveals the evil plot the danes have for us. All the "minifigs" do is work. When Lego conquers the world, they will make us work while they party it up!


Then we move on to the Agents and Alpha Team themes! These depict a team of spies! Who else spies? THE NSA! Therefore, Lego controls the NSA! Science!

In Conclusion[edit]

They're trying to take over the world! YOU FOOLS! Can't you see?