Essay:Why the goat joke is stupid

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Essay.svg This essay is an original work by DiamondDisc1.
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Feel free to make comments on the talk page, which will probably be far more interesting, and might reflect a broader range of RationalWiki editors' thoughts.

Oh boy, my first essay. Well, here goes nothing.

Reason 1[edit]

People reading the site will have no idea what the joke is, and think the site is stupid.

Reason 2[edit]

Even this site's own editors don't get the goat joke.

Reason 3[edit]

It's just stupid.

Reason 4[edit]

Goats are irrelevant to most articles that have the goat joke.

Reason 5[edit]

It makes people think this site is immature, so they won't take us seriously.

Reason 6[edit]

People will actually have to make a real decision in the pointless poll in the Saloon bar page instead of just clicking whatever option has "goat" in it.

Reason 7[edit]

Pretty much all the goat jokes are stupid and not funny.

Reason 8[edit]

The joke is repetitive and annoying.

Reason 9[edit]

There are funnier inside jokes out there.

Reason 10[edit]

Surely there is a more science oriented inside joke out there?

Reason 11[edit]

Even 3.1415926 is a more interesting inside joke.

Reason 12[edit]

Editors use goat jokes in articles instead of actual content.