Essay talk:Why debating anti-feminists is counter - productive

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I disagree. Debating antifeminists often helps to take in a picture of their overall worldview, and to dissect how they view power dynamics in the different relationships between men and women. In fact, I believe the whole GamerGate debacle was at least partially responsible for being the catalyst that drove me into researching feminism more closely, rather than the ignorant ambivalence I held towards it before, and led me to examining the privileges that society grants to males. It's been a truly enlightening experience, and I've been made increasingly more aware of the male bias in our society; I've observed, for example, the power imbalance in the skewed male to female ratio in the social spaces I've been in, particularly uni classrooms. And regardless of whether or not it's true, any internet discussion forum I've visited assumes by default that I'm male, without reference to any evidence I've provided in revealing my gender.

Besides, debating creationists get boring when their political power is dwindling so rapidly. Whereas there are no shortage of antifeminists. Withoutaname (talk) 05:14, 7 October 2015 (UTC)

You certainly have a point, but anti-feminists have no power in our society or acedemic discourse. Most of them are (for lack of a better word) totally illiterate in feminist or sociological literature. Fixating on them and talking about how crappy they are all the time distracts from legitimate issues in western society. --Trinity (talk) 18:44, 8 October 2015 (UTC)