Fun:Grueface and Gallant do skepticism

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Absolutely no apologies whatsoever to Highlights magazine.

It seems a certain amount of demonstration is required these days in the skeptical community as to exactly how skepticism works. We've employed Mr. DJ Grueface and Mr. Carl Gardner Gallant to help demonstrate some of the basic principles.

  • Grueface likes to make fun of people who believe silly things.
  • So does Gallant.
  • Grueface believes science is the best way to explain the world.
  • So does Gallant.
  • Grueface spends way too much time on the computer and not enough in the shower.
  • When pushed, Gallant will admit to the same thing.
  • Grueface likes evo-psych because it explains why women are "like that".
  • Gallant does not like evo-psych because it tries to explain a "like that" that fits only a specific stereotype in a specific culture.
  • Gallant takes the time to evaluate the issues of the coming election and chooses his candidates based on who will further what he thinks is best for the country.
  • Grueface is voting for Ron Paul.
  • Grueface feels very strongly that there are men, and there are women, and gender should be abolished.
  • Gallant is very confused by this and figures people should be whatever makes them happy, within reason of course.
  • Grueface thinks that women who make a big deal out of harassment are just looking to cause drama.
  • Gallant has observed that such problems don't go away on their own, and that blaming the activists is just shooting the messenger for no good reason.
  • Grueface thinks that telling a man not to hit on a woman in an elevator is misandrist and keeps men from getting laid.
  • Gallant makes a point in general to listen to people whose experiences are different from his.
  • Grueface looks at IQ studies and concludes that some races, on average, are smarter than others.
  • Gallant looks at how minorities achieve just as well as white people given the same opportunities and concludes that whatever the story is, IQ isn't up to telling the whole facts.
  • Grueface thinks that something can't be scientific if it infringes on his freedom.
  • Gallant knows that the data doesn't really care about the political implications.
  • Grueface hates postmodernist thinking, except when he runs short on evidence against something he disagrees with, he goes all-in on nitpicking and JAQing off because hey, it must be wrong anyway.
  • Gallant also hates postmodernist thinking, so when he runs short on evidence against something he disagrees with, he reevaluates the evidence and changes his mind as necessary.
  • Grueface is smug because he's a skeptic.
  • Gallant considers smugness optional because, hey, sometimes we're wrong.