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Menopause is a natural phase of most women's lives.

It marks the cessation, often gradual or irregular, of the cycle of menses, and typically occurs in the late forties.

It can cause irritability and depression. Most classically, it is known for "hot flashes". It also marks freedom from the worry (or possiblity) of pregnancy.

In men, the same era of life, that is, the mid forties to mid fifties, is characterized by buying red sports cars. Many impute this to a desire to impress young girls, to reinforce the performance of their penis, etc. But the reality is, for the first time in their life, they can afford their "dream car". Why they have a dream car is another issue.

In the meantime, their ex-wives enjoy their freedom and date interesting men at will. Without fear of pregnancy, again, for the first time in their lives.