Talk:Agave nectar

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Looking for research on the recently deleted statement, and just more research in general.[edit]

I do know that growth of many 'health food substitutes' does in fact destroy local economies of exploited countries. For example, the demand for quinoa as a new non-wheat super grain-of-choice actually is driving the price of quinoa up such that the locals in Peru can't actually purchase the crop that they once considered a staple, leading to poverty and malnutrition. I am unsure if agave nectar demand is doing the same thing; I DO know that the agave plant is used in the making of tequila, and there are farms of it for that purpose already. The internet as I can comb it is strangely silent on where the agave for agave syrup is grown. I can predict that because agave probably isn't a staple crop, it wouldn't have the same situation as quinoa. But does anyone else have any info on this? The only other thing I can think of is that while it also has to be shipped, which is not a green way to get sweetener when part of the fuss about agave nectar is that it's a fad in green-living, pop-vegan (as opposed to practical vegan)lifestyles... when really it's not that green to make or ship around. And, interestingly, The agave family of plants has a relationship with species of bats. Who knew? ±Knightoftldrsig.pngKnightOfTL;DRsufficiently advanced argument still distinguishable from magic 18:19, 20 February 2013 (UTC)


People on a low FODMAPWikipedia diet should avoid agave nectar. If I find time, can add a bit about that to the article. Someone else can provide the fart jokes. SmartFeller (talk) 14:22, 7 February 2016 (UTC)