Talk:Black Panther Party

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1: This article is extremely biased. The Pro section does not list event or rational behind helping the black community- It merely lists verbatim a mission statement. Whoever wrote this devoted their entire time towards defamation. Even the pro section of the article lists negative externalities. Please at least try to make the two sections equal in content. Along with that- the neg section is written very colloquially- almost obviously in a rant. There are really no sources to back up a majority of the claims- e.g. that early gay rights movements were blatantly antifeminist. The whole article is very poorly written and misinformed.

2. The reasons this is problematic are obvious Rational wiki should be rational- not biased. Criticizing all aspects of the organizations without actually balancing it out with pros will just endorse the idea that black power and culture should be suppressed.

3. To fix please just have somebody edit this, preferably a non biased source. Even taking out the leading language would help a lot: e.g. : this is where it just gets freaky.

— Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs 22:57, 18 February 2018 (UTC)

This article sounds like it was written by Joe Biden. Fix it.

"Rational" means "white liberal bias" apparently[edit]

The Black Panther Party was crucial to the civil rights movement and the entire Left. This article, on the other hand, is the text equivalent of a bougie fedora-wearing liberal Clinton-worshipper whose "rational" response to a critically important black empowerment-focused Marxist-Leninist party is to put their fingers in their ears and scream "COMMUNISM BAD" or "10 QUINTILLION DEAD."

Fucking shameful. (talk) 18:25, 9 February 2021 (UTC)

Great. Another far-left BoN come to screech about how their pet ideas are being beaten down. Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam did more for the civil rights movement than the Black Panthers, and they hardly did anything. Furthermore, communism isn't even mentioned in the body of the entire article. It's also pretty funny that you automatically assume we all must love Clinton. IveBeenFrank (talk) 18:55, 9 February 2021 (UTC)
The BPP was significant historically, but their actual effect was limited if I recall correctly. This wasn't for lack of trying mind you, merely they weren't as effective as other groups of that era. ☭Comrade GC☭Ministry of Praise 22:31, 9 February 2021 (UTC)