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"Many DC members use "disabled" as a swear word"[edit]

First off, I am a Native Korean.

I am assuming the sentence is referring to the word "병신".

This sentence comes off a little misleading, as if using the word is a big deal. The word 병신 is used very often in Korea as a curse. Think of the word "retard(ed)", before it was seen as politically incorrect.

I'm not trying to say that there isn't any problem with the word, but the fact of the matter is, the vast majority of Koreans don't see it as a word that discriminates disabled people. Sure it's rude, but no more than other swear words. It's not something particularly noteworthy that it should be mentioned in this manner. It isn't specific to a certain political group, age, sex, or anything.

I don't think this sentence is necessary. It's a little misleading. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs