Talk:Jefferson Bible

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Anti-Jewish content[edit]

That's funny about Noontide and Sovereign publishers in regard to their anti-Semitic commentary, since Jefferson did leave in his Bible a number of scriptural passages which basically insulted the Jews and blamed them for Jesus' murder (from an Amazon review). In the day and age when Christianity served as a major courier of irrationally-uneasy feelings about Jewish people in any nominally-Christian majority country (an irrationality which melted into secular circles with both nationalism and socialism after the Enlightenment), the fact that Jefferson did retain those scriptures somewhat reflects the persistent feelings even among the most rationally-tended subscribers to Xianity, feelings which should've been expunged and discarded to the wayside *way* before the first anti-Jewish pogroms were allowed to take place in Europe and the Mediterranean region. --RayneVanDunem (talk) 19:28, 4 April 2010 (UTC)

Gee so one ranter on Amazon is enough to call the slave-owner and fucker an anti-semite also? Damn and shucks. ħumanUser talk:Human 05:13, 5 April 2010 (UTC)