Talk:Simplified Chinese characters

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進 is most likely not a phono-semantic compound. The Old Chinese pronunciation for 進 is /*[ts][i][n]-s/ or /*ʔslins/, [1] while for 隹, it's /*tur/ or /*tjul/. [2] Those two don't sound alike. Instead, 進 is more likely an ideogrammic compound. LongStylus (talk) 23:20, 22 July 2022 (UTC)

The phonetic part is traditionally thought to be abbreviation of 閵 (*/rins/). — 物灵 (talk) 04:22, 31 December 2023 (UTC)


How easy would it be for someone who has learnt Simplified Chinese Characters to read the Traditional Chinese version (and vice versa)? I taught myself to read basic (printed) Fraktur/German Blackletter - and sometimes use 'the rest of the word' to 'decipher' some of the more ambiguous letters: is the difference between the two systems comparable or would one have to do the equivalent of learning the defunct English letters (thorn, yogh, edda etc)? (And what about previous versions of Chinese characters?) Anna Livia (talk) 12:15, 23 July 2022 (UTC)

It is not difficult to read except for a few cases. But it is challenging to write in a different standard and not mix the variants up.
Fractur or German Blackletter is comparable to the cursive script of Hanzi, which is randomly constructed (written by some celebrity and passed on) and not legible for untrained eyes, particularly in modern days (when people hardly rely on handwriting and whatever scripts used in computers become overwhelming). Some 100 years ago there was a failed attempt to unify the cursive characters. — 物灵 (talk) 04:22, 31 December 2023 (UTC)